How The Media’s Bullshit ‘Both Sides’ Punditry Harms Trans People

Siobhan O'leary
The Establishment
Published in
8 min readOct 5, 2017


Modified from flickr / Sam Churchill

Trusted media outlets can print contrafactual nonsense with little penalty. And trans issues are particularly vulnerable to this practice.

OO n May 15, 2017, a Medium user published an article to her personal handle arguing — among many other things — that the presence of trans women in women’s spaces constituted an act of aggression and that the vocabulary proposed by trans men to describe themselves “erased” cis women.

Despite the rather extreme premises assumed in the piece, a feminist publication by the name of Athena Talks decided to pick it up shortly after it was posted, resulting in a second round of sharing among feminist outlets.

I am, unfortunately, rather used to having my mere presence likened to violence. Calling myself a feminist as a trans woman has meant that I’ve had to share spaces with people who argue, in all seriousness, that my health care is a conspiracy theory to eradicate gay people.

What I haven’t acclimatized to is the practice of abandoning any commitment to discovery or knowledge, something that seems distressingly widespread in media practices today. Because what Athena Talks did next also follows a well-established pattern: They…



Siobhan O'leary
The Establishment

Member of the sparsely populated reality-based community. Siobhan also blogs at