I Went To Kavanaugh’s Alma Mater, Georgetown Prep, And It Was A Case Study In Misogyny

The Establishment
The Establishment
Published in
9 min readOct 12, 2018


by Will Menarndt

Georgetown Prep. Modified from Wikipedia.

When you believe you are superior and untouchable, the least moral commit heinous crimes.

The allegations against Brett Kavanaugh have been careful to include not only his age at the time of his alleged assault, but the fact that he was a student at Georgetown Prep. Assaults are a pandemic in our culture today, but his alleged actions speak beyond toxic masculinity and the general rape culture that holds all women hostage today. Brett Kavanaugh is a symptom of something worse. He is the fullest expression of elitism blended with misogyny that is cultivated and groomed at private, all-male institutions like Georgetown Prep.

I know because I went there.

I was proud when I was accepted as a freshman. I loved that the school dated back to 1789 — just two years after the signing of the Constitution — making our school older than modern France. Coming from a brand new public school, I marveled at the marble columns of the chapel that was built with an anonymous donation during the Great Depression.

It is a potent brew of pride that is heady stuff for a 15-year-old, and it meant the world to me to be included. I was coming from a…



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