I’m So Glad My Husband Told Me She Was A Woman

Amanda Crose
The Establishment
Published in
7 min readSep 2, 2016


The following is a companion piece by the wife of Emily Crose, who wrote “When I Told My Wife I Was Transgender, Our Whole Marriage Had To Change.”

That day in November, 2014 will be a day I never forget.

I was sitting on the couch watching TV, as on any other evening, when my husband of five years said those dreaded six words: “I need to talk to you.”

I knew exactly what this talk would be about, because four years earlier, we’d had the same conversation — then swept its difficult contents under the proverbial rug. I always knew we’d need to have this talk again, and that the denial could only persist for so long.

My husband needed to tell me about an identity crisis — a gender identity crisis, to be exact. A therapist, I was told, had uncovered and revealed the root of a persistent unhappiness, and a sense of never fitting in: gender dysphoria.

At that moment, my world seemed to stop.


When we had first discussed the matter years earlier, we were young and still newly in love. We had only been married a little over a year, and had recently left our home state and moved 650 miles away. So we left it alone. I didn’t want to, nor could I, deal with this.

