Leslie Jones Embodies The Least Protected Blackness Of All

TaLynn Kel
The Establishment
Published in
4 min readAug 25, 2016


It all started with the idea to remake a classic and beloved movie — Ghostbusters.

And, as it’s 2016, why not make the cast all women? Shouldn’t be a big deal, right? Women are equal — we can vote, have jobs, own property . . . it really shouldn’t have mattered. But it did. It mattered so much that sexists led a charge to tank the movie, simply for starring women.

After its release, the movie got middle of the road reviews and did okay financially. But that wasn’t enough for all the anti-Ghostbuster trolls. Nope. They needed to punish someone for the film being made. And the target they chose was Leslie Jones.

They called her names, went on a now-infamous racist and sexist insult-spree that temporarily drove her from Twitter, and yesterday we found out that someone hacked her account and leaked nude photos of her (I refuse to link to any of that).

Do you know why they keep attacking Leslie? They keep attacking her because she’s a Black woman and think this makes her a “safe” target. I mean, why wouldn’t they think that? Historically, Black women have been cruelly and viciously attacked by white people. We have been victimized, brutalized, and vehemently attacked by men of every race. We have been belittled, ridiculed, and mocked at every turn.



TaLynn Kel
The Establishment

Fat, Black, Femme Geek. I’m a writer & cosplayer. My blog is www.talynnkel.com. My books: Breaking Normal& Still Breaking Normal http://amzn.to/2FW5kl3