Let’s Stop Pretending White People Can Be Objective On Racial Issues

Shae Collins
The Establishment
Published in
9 min readOct 1, 2016


We all hold certain biases, known or unknown.

After gawking at the comfortable seats in first class and then trekking to the back of the plane, I noticed that my seat was next to a man wearing a turban.

He got up so I could slide into the row and claim the window seat. As I stashed my bag under the seat and got comfortable, I looked to my right and noticed the man was video chatting with a group of men all wearing turbans.

Instantly, I thought, Was this a terrorist organization? Was this flight going to make it to its destination safely?

Then I thought, Oh my God, I’m a racist!

Shame on me. I’m a black, self-proclaimed feminist who writes about injustice, and here I am wondering if this man is a terrorist simply because he is brown, wearing a turban, and video chatting with folks that look like him.

Did I just have a Donald Trump Moment?

I should’ve really known better. I’ve watched my Persian and Muslim travel buddies get “randomly selected” for additional security searches. I’ve had my own issues with TSA agents running their fingers through my braids. And as a black girl who has found herself in various uncomfortably white spaces, you would…

