Meet The Woman Running For President On A Socialist Platform

Adryan Corcione
The Establishment
Published in
8 min readSep 16, 2016


Meet Gloria La Riva, the presidential candidate for the Party for Socialism and Liberation.

Gloria La Riva is a labor, community, and anti-war activist based in San Francisco; she’s built her platform, career, and worldview upon the eradication of U.S. wars and occupation, the prosecution of police who “abuse and kill,” the expungement of student debt, and advocacy for free health care; her current stance echoes her longtime platform of egalitarianism, which she also ran on when she vied for mayor of San Francisco in 1983, governor of California in 1994, and president for the first time in 2008.

She also writes regularly for Liberation News, taking aim at everything from the prison-industrial complex to environmental racism, all the while championing abortion access, reparations for Black Americans, economic justice, and addiction recovery.

In short? La Riva is striving for The People — writ large — regardless of class, gender, of race; in La Riva’s country, the playing field would not only be level, but symbiotic, benefiting all individuals to an equal degree.

The Establishment talked to Gloria about the dangerous myths accompanying capitalism, socialism, and the evolution of social revolutions in America.

