Steve Bannon Is Not Only Anti-Semitic, Racist, And Misogynistic — He Is Ableist

Robyn Powell
The Establishment
Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2016


This past weekend, we learned that President-Elect Donald Trump appointed Steve Bannon to serve as chief strategist in his administration. While it is not entirely clear what Bannon’s specific duties will be, what is clear is that Bannon is anti-Semitic, racist, bigoted, xenophobic, homophobic, and misogynistic. Disturbingly, Bannon’s appointment has gained praise from the Ku Klux Klan, American Nazi Party, and other white nationalist groups. Meanwhile, a growing number of prominent civil rights organizations and elected officials have urged Trump to rescind his appointment.

As a disabled woman, I have been increasingly concerned by what Bannon’s appointment means for people with disabilities. Before the appointment, I was very angered by and fearful of Trump’s complete disdain for the disability community, but held a small glimmer of hope that Trump would at least work closely with someone who got our issues.

But now, any hope I had has been quashed — Bannon’s stance on disability rights should terrify and appall us all.

Shortly after news broke of Bannon’s appointment, the Autistic Self Advocacy Network issued a sharp statement expressing concern over remarks previously made by Bannon regarding people with psychiatric disabilities. Last December, Bannon



Robyn Powell
The Establishment

Proud disabled woman, feminist, attorney, researcher, freelance writer