The Ableist, Racist, Classist Underpinnings Of ‘Laziness’

Lindsey Weedston
The Establishment
Published in
7 min readMay 9, 2016


‘Laziness’ is nothing more than a value judgement.

Hello, I’m a lazy Millennial.

In other words, I’m from a generation that has worked more hours for less money than any generation before me, but occasionally I eat a granola bar for breakfast instead of pouring myself a bowl of cereal. According to some, including many writers of online thinkpieces, that’s enough to make me “lazy.”

But the problem isn’t me, or young people in general, or any group that’s historically been decried for its idleness. Like Millennials, groups that are called “lazy” are often the hardest-working people around. They’re just subject to ableism, racism, classism, and other bigotry that codes exploitation or exhaustion as “unwillingness to work.”

I myself have had a very confusing relationship with “laziness” from a young age, often being called “lazy” for enjoying reading and video games by the same parents who praised me for always getting my homework done on time.

Needless to say, I became rather confused about the quality of my work ethic. Was I lazy or not? In my teens, I developed an anxiety disorder and a perfectionism that made academic shirking impossible, but the constant state of worry disrupted my sleep and left me so…



Lindsey Weedston
The Establishment

Seattle area writer interested in anarchist and communist theory but definitely anti-capitalist, abolitionist, and angry.