The ‘Science’ That Claims Women Are Inferior To Men Is Bogus

The Establishment
Published in
8 min readJul 10, 2017


U.S. and UK book covers for ‘Inferior’ by Angela Saini

A new book by British science journalist Angela Saini seeks to debunk the bad science about gender differences.

“I“If women are as good as men at science and math, why aren’t there more female scientists and mathematicians?”

“Women are monogamous; men have a naturally roving eye. It’s just science.”

“Women are more nurturing and better at taking care of children. Science says so.”

Sound familiar? Tropes like these — masqueraded as “science” — have long proliferated the idea that women are inherently different from men. But as outlined in Angela Saini’s riveting new book Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong and the new research that’s rewriting the story, scientific justifications for why women are perhaps just a tiny bit less clever and a tiny bit more suited to caregiving are bunk.

Tropes masqueraded as ‘science’ have long proliferated the idea that women are inherently different from men.

The book’s title takes on a scientific myth that’s been around at least since 1881. That year, a female reader wrote to Charles Darwin asking if women were equal to men. Darwin wrote…



The Establishment

Journalist. Author: Everything You Wanted to Know About Freelance Journalism, Westland, 2014.