The Transgender ‘Threat’ To Free Speech Is A Lie

KC Clements
The Establishment
Published in
9 min readMay 3, 2017


Photo via Flickr / taedc

Transgender people are now being positioned by anti-trans activists as a threat to a core American value: the First Amendment right to free speech.

AA t the end of March, a bright orange bus snaked its way around the east coast of the United States. Making stops in major metropolitan areas including Boston, New York City, and Washington, DC, the bus called itself the “Free Speech Bus,” and it displayed a harmful message that belied its seemingly innocuous exterior: “It’s biology. Boys are boys and always will be. Girls are girls and always will be. You can’t change sex. Respect all.”

The cultural tide has begun shifting toward acceptance of the transgender community; the effectiveness of outright violence and discrimination, while still prevalent, has lessened with the increased support from the general public. As a result, folks who want to do harm to our community have had to develop new strategies.

One of those tactics is to cast transgender people as a threat — as bullies rather than victims.

The effectiveness of outright violence and discrimination has lessened—so folks who want to do harm must now figure trans…

