These Indigenous Feminists Are Ready To Lovingly Detonate The Patriarchy

Abaki Beck
The Establishment
Published in
9 min readJun 14, 2017


“I don’t accept colonizers propaganda about what constitutes a ‘successful’ Indian. In my opinion, any Indian still alive is a success.”

FFor as long as the United States has existed as a settler-colonial nation — a good 500 years at least — Indigenous people have resisted state violence and worked tirelessly to survive and thrive. Yet despite this long history of protest and community-building, Indigenous voices and issues are predominantly invisible in conversations on social justice.

What does this continued erasure — even by those who claim to be anti-racist — mean for Indigenous people, our tribal nations, and the nation as a whole? How are Indigenous activists, creators, and scholars building resilient and healthy communities?

I recently spoke with four prominent Indigenous people about feminism, resistance, and tribal sovereignty:

Leanne Simpson is a Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg activist, scholar, and poet who was heavily involved with the Idle No More movement that called attention to treaty violations and environmental degradation.



The Establishment
The Establishment

Published in The Establishment

The archives of culture + politics site, The Establishment. Media funded and founded by women — Nikki Gloudeman, Kelley Calkins and Katie Tandy with Ijeoma Oluo, Ruchika Tulshyan and Jessica Sutherland. The conversation is much more interesting when everyone has a voice.

Abaki Beck
Abaki Beck

Written by Abaki Beck

Founder and editor of POC Online Classroom. Passionate about public health, racial justice, and empowering tribal communities. Enrolled in the Blackfeet Nation.