To The Black Women Who Align Themselves With White Supremacy

TaLynn Kel
The Establishment
Published in
7 min readFeb 27, 2017



You are ignorant and misguided.

TT o the Black women who think that close proximity to or intimacy with whiteness means you are successful . . .

To the Black women who think that supporting anti-Blackness will protect them . . .

To the Black women who speak out against and separate themselves from Black people, consider themselves one of the “good ones,” and think they are protected by the whiteness around them . . .

You are ignorant and misguided.

That hurt, I know. And you might have already stopped reading, but I hope you’ll give me a chance, like I gave your excuse of a rationale for supporting a white supremacist candidate a chance. Stay with me here.

I get why you’d do this. I understand the safety that whiteness represents. The white people public relations campaign proffers a beautifully malevolent message that worms its way into our subconscious and unconscious before we realize it’s happening.

The white people public relations campaign proffers a beautifully malevolent message.

I understand the belief that white equals right. I grew up in this stew of racist patriarchy and I



TaLynn Kel
The Establishment

Fat, Black, Femme Geek. I’m a writer & cosplayer. My blog is My books: Breaking Normal& Still Breaking Normal