Trump And The Dangerous Myth Of Good And Bad Men
By Josh Shahryar
Our world is filled with men who talk and act like Trump, and men who don’t act like Trump—but remain willfully ignorant of men who do.
Believe me — I, too, would smash 2016 with a baseball bat if I could. As if everything we’ve had to suffer so far wasn’t enough, we’re still dealing with fallout from the “found” hot mic tape of Donald J. Trump with Billy Bush from 2005, in which the presidential candidate and bigot-in-chief of the alt-right movement explains his methods of assaulting women. We’re still reeling from the continued defense of this tape, most recently via Melania Trump, who claims her husband was a victim to Billy Bush and isn’t actually a blatantly violent misogynist.
Politicians seem to be in agreement that what he said is heinous, repugnant, and about 10 miles removed from anything that could even remotely be considered decent. But what this revelation is doing to Trump’s chances of winning the election and the GOP’s chances of making it intact as a political party past that election isn’t as concerning as the reactions to it are. Almost every political pundit — left, right, and center — has spoken. So have opinionists. Men, especially, are extremely vocal about their feelings when it…