What IS Body Positivity Anyway?

The Establishment
The Establishment
Published in
7 min readNov 3, 2015


By Ijeoma Oluo

Substantia Jones is the founder of The Adipositivity Project, a gorgeous photography initiative with a simple, but paradigm-shifting, aim: celebrate fat bodies. And, in so doing, “broaden definitions of physical beauty. Literally.”

When not challenging societal beauty norms through the power of the camera lens, Jones also works as a speaker and podcast host. She spoke with The Establishment about what exactly fat acceptance is, at a time when that controversial term is so often misapplied.

How are you feeling today about your body?

I’m feeling good about my body today. It facilitates pleasure and provides me with locomotion. It’s a great place to hang my purse, it holds my innards in, and it can turn a $20 frock into a hello. It has these incredibly enjoyable functions, like laughter and orgasms and that feeling where you drink an ice cold seltzer on a really hot day. Not sure what that one’s called, but it’s among my faves.

There’s also a feature where I, with a bit of assistance, can create a whole human being from scratch. I decided not to use that one, but it’s kinda nice to have in your back pocket, y’know? This body is what life has assigned me, so I love it, actively and earnestly. It’s endured a couple of hand surgeries, one minor lady…



The Establishment
The Establishment

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