White People, It’s Time To Prioritize Justice Over Civility

Tauriq Moosa
The Establishment
Published in
9 min readMay 9, 2017



In striving to be ‘civil,’ white moderates provide cover for deadly white supremacy.

TThe Boston Globe recently ran — and subsequently deleted — a tweet that, with a straight face, asked: “Can white power groups get past old differences and build lasting relationships?”

Welcome to our current reality, in which white supremacists are treated like B-grade celebs on a reality TV show.

The tweet should hardly come as a surprise. White supremacists are, after all, routinely landing profiles in leading media sites — because it’s apparently surprising Nazis can brush their hair and tuck in their shirt — and often getting invited onto popular shows, as if their ideas deserve more attention and platforms.

In fact, in today’s media and political environment, white supremacists have some of the most powerful platforms in the world, as well as the power to act on their toxic resentment. These are people who, in one breath, can claim to be oppressed, and in the next boast about retaining most of the world’s wealth and power and even the executive and legislative spheres of American government. And on the latter point, they’re not wrong.



Tauriq Moosa
The Establishment

Opinion writer. Law student. Bane of nerds. @tauriqmoosa