Why Teenage Girls Are Everything That We Love To Hate

The Establishment
The Establishment
Published in
7 min readMar 31, 2016


By Jessica Pishko

The teenager is inextricably tied to the twin evils of sexuality and capitalism.

“I’d rather do anything than treat teenage girls,” a psychologist friend once told me. He said that teenage girls couldn’t be trusted, that they would pretend to be your friend and then stab you in the back, even if you were their shrink. There was something about the teenage girl that was just too much, seductive and repulsive all at once. They were beyond the understanding of medical science, even, as if their angst defied the laws of physics and chemistry. This doctor was prepared for cadavers and psychotic breaks, but not for the teenage girl.

Teenage girls are everything that we love to hate. They are vain and naive. They are the ultimate consumer, influenced by everything from social media to what their friends are wearing. They make YouTube channels of themselves talking to themselves. They place their fingers in the makeup samples and smear too much on their eyelids. But we can’t keep our eyes off of them.

This doctor was prepared for cadavers and psychotic breaks, but not for the teenage girl.



The Establishment
The Establishment

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