Why Don’t We Think Fat People Are Worth Fighting For?

Ijeoma Oluo
The Establishment
Published in
9 min readApr 3, 2017



Asking people to consider the size inclusivity of the stores they shop at is not too much to ask.

AA few days ago, I wrote two posts on fat acceptance and body positivity. I wrote about my personal experience with fat-shaming and diet culture, and the toll it has taken on my life. The response was overwhelming. Thousands of shares, hundreds of comments — a few write-ups about the post in major magazines. While there were quite a few assholes who showed up to make sure we all knew they hated fat people, the vast majority of responses were messages of love and understanding from other people of all sizes who have similarly struggled with the expectations of thinness that society places on us.

I am known to be someone who is not only concerned with problems, but also with solutions. A few days later, while people were still connecting with and praising my posts, I decided to ask a question on Facebook and Twitter:

“If you are thin, and believe in body positivity, why do you buy clothing from labels and stores that don’t sell plus sizes?”



Ijeoma Oluo
The Establishment

Come for the feminist rants..stay for the selfies and kid quotes. Inclusive feminism here.