Your Calls For Unity Are Divisive As F*ck

Black Lives Matter Global Network
The Establishment
Published in
7 min readMar 6, 2017


By DiDi Delgado, Black Lives Matter-Cambridge

Is it ever really divisive to resist aligning yourself with your oppressor?

TThe year is 1776.

You’re a slave working on an indigo plantation in the blistering heat of a South Carolina summer. You don’t know much about indigo, except that it’s not grown in your homeland — a small village along the southern coast of Sierra Leone. For decades, your life has mainly consisted of grueling forced labor and the constant threat of physical and psychological violence. Recently, you’ve heard stories of British battleships descending on the Colonies. White folks in the South seem terrified, and you love every minute of it. You lay awake at night and dream of Red Coats marching into “massa’s” bedroom and running bayonets through his swollen belly. You tell a friend about these dreams, but he accuses you of being divisive. So you bludgeon him to death with an iPad Mini. End scene.

I have two questions: Is it ever really divisive to resist aligning yourself with your oppressor? And where’s a cheap place I can get a replacement iPad Mini?



Black Lives Matter Global Network
The Establishment

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