Kauai Coffee Joins the Sustainable Coffee Challenge

Kauai Coffee Company
The Estate Update
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2019


Kauai Coffee Company has become a new partner in The Sustainable Coffee Challenge joining 125 other brands, manufacturers, governments, NGOs, and research organizations on a mission to make coffee the world’s first sustainable agricultural product.

The Sustainable Coffee Challenge’s goals are scaling up sustainable sourcing, farm renovation and rehabilitation, improved labor practices and supply, mapping, and monitoring of coffee and forests. As part of our partnership, we have made a commitment to increase the sustainability of soil use on our orchard.

“As part of our partnership, we have made a commitment to increase the sustainability of our soil use within our orchard land area,” said Fred Cowell, general manager of Kauai Coffee Company. “Currently, a combination of thermophilic compost and cover crop for soil remediation is used on eight to 10 percent of our 3,100-acre estate. By 2022, we hope to have more than 30% of Kauai Coffee orchard land applying this combination.”

“Our Challenge partners publicly adopt six commitments to coffee sustainability upon joining. They send a strong signal of increased sector transparency and accountability, facets of the Challenge that grow more relevant as we jointly tackle the current coffee price crisis and climate variability,” said Bambi Semroc, vice president of sustainable markets and strategy at Conservation International. “These commitments, combined with the Challenge’s urgency for collective action, will get us closer to making coffee sustainable.”

Pruning coffee trees on the Kauai Coffee farm

The Challenge was conceived by Conservation International and Starbucks and launched during the Paris climate meetings in 2015. The SCC unites players from across the coffee industry — growers, traders, roasters, retailers, governments, and NGOs. It works to stimulate greater demand for sustainable coffee while forming partnerships to find and scale up programs promoting improved livelihoods, nature conservation and a continued supply of coffee.

The Sustainable Coffee Challenge engages in collaborative efforts with its partners across four networks to achieve its mission: scaling up sustainable sourcing; farm renovation and rehabilitation; improved labor practices and supply and mapping and monitoring of coffee and forests.

For more about the Sustainable Coffee Challenge, go to https://www.sustaincoffee.org/

About the Sustainable Coffee Challenge

The Sustainable Coffee Challenge convenes, unites and urges the coffee sector and conservation partners across the industry to spur the actions and investments necessary to make coffee the first sustainable agriculture product in the world. The Challenge is committed to stimulating demand for sustainable coffee across the value chain, from the policymaking level to the final consumer. By encouraging demand for sustainable coffee, it leads to investments that enable the transition to sustainable production and ensuring the coffee we drink is a sustainable product.



Kauai Coffee Company
The Estate Update

100% Hawaiian Coffee Estate Grown and Roasted on the Island of Kauai.