Stella Grzela/

What is Blue Mountain Coffee?

Kauai Coffee Company
The Estate Update
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2019


When it comes to the most sought-after types of coffee in the world, the Jamaican Blue Mountain varietal is often placed at the top of the list. Known for its sweet, floral taste, bright acidity and lack of bitterness, Authentic Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is one of the rarest and most expensive coffees available.

However, did you know that the Blue Mountain varietal grows in other regions around the world? It’s true! From Kenya to Kona and most importantly right here at Kauai Coffee, Blue Mountain coffee thrives in volcanic soil and at higher altitudes which makes the 3,100 acres and diverse microclimates of the Kauai Coffee farm a perfect home for this delicious and valuable varietal.

A characteristic view of Jamaica in 1914 from The pocket guide to the West Indies, British Guiana, British Honduras, the Bermudas, the Spanish Main, and the Panama Canal. Source: Internet Archive Book Images/Wikimedia Commons

Jamaican Blue Mountain History and Growing Region

Authentic Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee can be one of the most expensive coffees in the world because of it’s scarcity. Introduced to Jamaica in the early 1700s, Authentic Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee comes from a small region of the Blue Mountains on the eastern side of the island and grows at an elevation of 2,000 to 5,500 feet above sea level. The cool mountain temperatures, volcanic soil, and abundant rain give Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee its distinct flavor. Cultivation of this specialty coffee is carefully monitored and globally protected by the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica and only coffees from this specific region can be certified authentic and labeled as such.

Kauai Blue Mountain Coffee

The Blue Mountain varietal was introduced to Kauai Coffee in 1990. The seeds were collected from the University of Hawaii varietal trial plot, and a single field was planted at Kauai Coffee in collaboration with the University of Hawaii and the Hawaii Agriculture Research Center. Originally the Blue Mountain seeds were obtained from Jamaica. Once they were grown and established on our farm the name was changed to Kauai Blue Mountain. The Blue Mountain variety is originally from Typica ancestry, but the Kauai Coffee is unique because it has other varietal influence crossbreeding early in its development.

Kauai Blue Mountain is a whole bean, dark roast with mild fruit and floral flavors and brightness. It is available in our highly selective Estate Reserve line up of 100% Kauai Coffee at the Visitor Center, Kauai Coffee 2 in Kapaa and our website. Sign up for a subscription to get Kauai coffee delivered directly to your door.

background image: Africa Studio/Shutterstock



Kauai Coffee Company
The Estate Update

100% Hawaiian Coffee Estate Grown and Roasted on the Island of Kauai.