Eta Zeta Staff 2022–23

Eta Zeta
The Eta Zeta Biology Journal
4 min readFeb 18, 2023

Meet the staff of Grove City’s Eta Zeta publication!

I love writing for Eta Zeta because communicating scientific information in simple terms helps me expand my own understanding of biology. I joined EZ as a sophomore when the publication started and have been a writer and editor. As the lead editor, I hope to encourage students’ appreciation for biology and help refine their communication skills.

I decided to start writing for Eta Zeta as a sophomore because I wanted to gain experience in interpreting scientific literature and wanted to learn more about the newest developments happening in the field of biology! I loved that the purpose of the journal was to make topics in biology more accessible to all students and wanted to help make that possible. I primarily write for Method of the Month, which highlights a different method that biologists frequently use in the lab each month. After I graduate from Grove City College in May, I plan to attend Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine to pursue a career as an osteopathic physician. When I’m not studying, I love traveling, skiing, and cooking in my free time!

I write for EZ because I love engaging with scientific literature and sharing it with others! After college I plan to attend dental school and hopefully specialize in oral and maxillofacial surgery. In my free time I enjoy reading, knitting, embroidery, playing tennis and hanging out with my cat.

I joined Eta Zeta in my sophomore year because I wanted to improve my skills at reading and interpreting scientific literature. Past topics I have written about include genetic mutations and hypertension. My future career goal is to become a physician.

As a premedical student, my primary areas of scientific interest are infectious diseases and human physiology. I write for Eta Zeta because I love sharing fascinating biological research with others!

I am interested in wildlife, the outdoors, and writing. I wanted to write for Eta Zeta because I would really enjoy the opportunity to write about current scientific research being done. Someday, I hope to have the opportunity to conduct a research project of my own.

I am a sophomore Psychology major who loves scientific writing and research, and hopes to one day use those skills towards graduate school in a field of psychology! I also love to read, volunteer with cats whenever possible, and drink Beans’ strawberry lemonade.

I decided to write for Eta Zeta because I enjoy reading scientific articles and learning about experiments. I have a concentration in scientific writing, so I’ve had a great time getting to read more scientific literature and learning how to explain it. I’ve written about building RNA in a mirror image conformation, which I found fascinating because it tied together concepts that I was learning about in Organic Chemistry and Genetics. I want to go to PA school after college, and ultimately work as a pediatric PA because I love working with kids. I had the opportunity to shadow a pediatric PA over the summer which confirmed that it felt like the right career for me.

Writing about science has always been something I enjoyed since I was just a kid. I started blogging by the time I reached high school and whenever I came to college, I grew to love the topic of biology. As a result, I decided to join Eta Zeta! Currently, I plan to enter into medical school to become a physician. I like to write about current events that discuss human biology, diseases, and scientific breakthroughs.

