Patiently Waiting

Donald Villamero
Donald Villamero’s Blog
2 min readSep 17, 2017

Do you ever feel like you have just been waiting for so long? Waiting for a dream to come to pass? Waiting for your heart to heal? Waiting for your situation to improve? Or waiting for your moment to come?

We all have to wait at some point, and it is very hard especially when you do not see the end of it. You feel like you’re just waiting forever. And when you look at the time we are living now, it’s not really advocating waiting. Almost anything nowadays you can get in an instant — your food, your favorite TV show or movie, people’s feedback — you get them right away on your social media. So I understand why so many of us no longer want to wait.

However, in life, we really have to practice waiting, and patiently for that matter. It is very different when it comes to our dreams, our perfect moments, our new beginnings. They all involve waiting. Now it doesn’t mean that we do not put in the work. We really have to do our part for the dreams inside of us to come true. We need to act on them.

After acting on them, though, and doing our best to make them a reality, we have to let go our control of things for them to fall into place. We can do this by waiting, but waiting with the right attitude. We can’t wait and be all negative. We can’t wait and complain so much and worried and completely drained out of life.

When we wait, we should learn to be cheerful, humble, patient, and trustful in the process. Trust that we have done our best. Trust that those dreams in our hearts are for us; otherwise, we wouldn’t have dreamed of them if they weren’t. Trust that one day we will learn to forgive ourselves and that healing will come. Trust that our situation will improve someday.

The funny thing is, the moment we learn to patiently wait, our lives then change in a moment, just like that. As if it was a test and we passed it. The moment came when we were ready to receive it.

So to all of us, may we all learn to patiently wait and to trust in the process — because all good things happen to those who do.

Thank you for reading! If you like to read more of my positive thoughts, please do follow. Have an awesome day!



Donald Villamero
Donald Villamero’s Blog

I’m a book advocate. I’m the founder of DCO Publishing, a start-up publishing house in Cebu City, Philippines.