The Pieces Fit Eventually

Donald Villamero
Donald Villamero’s Blog
2 min readSep 13, 2017

Yesterday, I met with two friends who I practically grew up with, both are now living in Canada. We used to attend the same youth organization when we were younger; and back then, no one of us knew that our lives will turn out to be as they are now.

Catching up with them made me realize about the pieces of life fitting together eventually. Sometimes, we beat ourselves down over and over about a past mistake. We learn to devalue us when we do not achieve something, or when things do not go according to how we planned them, or when we do not reach our own high standards. We think sometimes that the world is definitely against us.

But, there are moments like catching up with a best friend you haven’t seen for a long time. Reading your old diary or journal entries about the silliest, mundane stuff. Knowing an ex-lover is happy with his or her own life. These moments are beyond nostalgic and are very special, because they are showing us that each of us has a unique purpose, and every day we are either living in it or looking for it. But in the end, should we succeed in this life, we see that all fits perfectly.

Since deciding of settling back home after living abroad for 8 years, not a single one of my plans have materialized yet. There came a time I was feeling lost and a bit worried. I gave up everything I used to have. Yet, eventually, the pieces fit together. All that I’m doing right now, the projects I’m passionately busy with, I didn’t plan them. The blessings found me and surprised me — because they meant to happen.

So we should learn to stop punishing ourselves. We just continue fighting the good fight we believe in and we have faith. Faith that we are living in our purpose and we are true to ourselves. Faith that life is for us, always teaching and pruning us. Faith that in the end, everything falls into place.

Thank you for reading! If you like to read more of my positive thoughts, please do follow. Have an awesome day!



Donald Villamero
Donald Villamero’s Blog

I’m a book advocate. I’m the founder of DCO Publishing, a start-up publishing house in Cebu City, Philippines.