The Real Us

Donald Villamero
Donald Villamero’s Blog
2 min readSep 25, 2017

The past few days have been an emotional roller coaster. I found myself giving too much of my time, energy, and attention to another person that I’ve forgotten I need the same things too. Have you ever found yourself in a similar predicament? Unrequited love or friendship, expecting too much of something yet receiving too little, or investing in a relationship you’re just carrying on your own?

This has to be the worst and saddest emotional situation to be in — it can feel like that at the moment. The devaluing feeling and emotional pain of the situation can leave you paralyzed and traumatized you’ll think there’s no way out. And what’s worst is that you begin to think that you’re unworthy of love and that you would have to settle for less. But let me tell you today this: there is a way out of our toxic, self-defeating thoughts. There is a way to rise above this. This is by being the real us.

Think about before everything happened — the person, the situation, the mistake — there was us, the purest form of us. We were happy, hopeful, fearless. And then things happened and they hurt us, changed us, scarred us. But today is the time to take the real us back.

It won’t be a walk in the park, but it is possible. I realized that after the hurt I felt, I’m still me. Nothing has really been broken. Yes, the situation was unpleasant, but it made me stronger and made me understand that I was ready to handle this before it even began.

If you are in this kind of situation, I want you to know that you have so much life to live and so much love to give. I remember a great advice once: If your love is unrequited, you shouldn’t kill the love you feel because you end up killing a part of yourself too. Rather, let that love come back to you so that you’re still whole and you can still love again.Sometimes we just needed to be reminded of that.

Our time will come. Nothing is an accident really, and often tribulations come into our lives to bring out the real us.

Because the truth is, we are special too — and we should never forget that.

Thank you for reading! If you like to read more of my positive thoughts, please do follow. Have an awesome day!



Donald Villamero
Donald Villamero’s Blog

I’m a book advocate. I’m the founder of DCO Publishing, a start-up publishing house in Cebu City, Philippines.