Unexpected Favor

Donald Villamero
Donald Villamero’s Blog
2 min readSep 15, 2017

Today I’d like to talk about blessings that we never see coming. A favor so unexpected we reckon if we deserve to receive them in the first place. Have you had this experienced before?

It happened to me this month. Almost six months in after I made a big life decision to quit my job abroad and go back home, worry started to hit me. Will the goals I have set to do come to pass soon? Am I really ready to be an entrepreneur? When will I meet the right people? Do I still have enough money in the bank? Is it time for me again to look for a nine-to-five job?

It’s normal for us to worry, especially after making life-altering decisions. However, this is what I’ve realized. We can acknowledge the presence of worry, but we should not allow it to take over our minds. Meaning, no matter how hard it gets, we continue fighting the good fight. We continue fighting the struggles of everyday life with a positive mindset.

I never expected that a relative who owns many businesses in the city and who is quite an influential figure will ask me to join him and his family in their business ventures. Now, I get to meet different influential people in the government, in the media, and in the food industry. I’m exposed to entrepreneurs, helping me envision myself to becoming one of them someday.

I’m now a step closer to making my goals happen. It’s becoming a reality. I’m learning to be an entrepreneur. I’m meeting the right people. The money is coming. And I may have the opportunity someday to give people jobs.

It’s really exciting. But I don’t think any of these would have been possible had I stayed in the worry mindset. Always down on myself. Being negative.

So I encourage everyone to keep the faith. Let’s continue doing the right thing. Always giving our one hundred percent in every project we are doing. Always being kind, not just to others but ourselves. Always staying positive. And then someday, when we are ready, good things happen when we least expect them.

Thank you for reading! If you like to read more of my positive thoughts, please do follow. Have an awesome day!



Donald Villamero
Donald Villamero’s Blog

I’m a book advocate. I’m the founder of DCO Publishing, a start-up publishing house in Cebu City, Philippines.