
Try to Focus…..

“The Eternal Verities”


Time is money, I believe this very strictly that’s why I have to plan even a bit of things in my life.

Waste your money and your only out of money, but waste your time and you’ve lost a part of your life.

But there is one more thing that adds an appropriate thing to time and that is FOCUS.

The focus is as essential as time as without it all time is considered to be wasted.

Not every time our mind is ready to concentrate on things,

There are 24 hours in a day, but not in all 24 hours we are quite focused on a certain matter.

Once my professor stated that during a lecture you never focus on each and every word I said to you. Hardly in 2 hrs lecture you might be able to concentrate for only 45 minutes least.

As he said this, the next day I noticed that in starting all my focus was in what he was teaching but then slowly my mind was blurry, went to the board, in the books and other things, though I thought to again get into it but it was all scattered, I can say I was partially hearing and understanding what he was saying.

I don’t consider myself a very focused one.

But yea, I was very fast at writing things so without letting my mind on other things I just write down the key points what my teacher bubbles up when I am bored.

Just a couple of years back, I was receiving lectures from almost everyone around. I used to leap from one idea to another and still I am like that only, I had positive energy boiling inside me for every idea that pops up.

Even in school my train of thoughts would split off into the woods and barely anyone could reach it. One moment it was my passion for maths, the other moment all funky about Sketching and Cartoons.

The classic idea of concentration was too boring (& still is). I usually have too much energy as there are lot of things popping up in my head now and then, I didn’t sit quietly then and I am not going to lie down now.

(<u>The only time you fail is when you fall down and never stood again</u>)

The focus is about mood — about emotions and feelings. If you can recreate and maintain your mood — things will flow the way you wish.

Don’t try to concentrate on things that don’t matter to you at all.

If you are forcefully performing or practicing something with your least interest in it you will have lack of focus in it.

Good humor is the main prop to complete things in time, as then we have all our heart and mind to a certain place which reduces the pace of time in finishing a work.

I know how much work I get done with simplicity and brilliance when I am in a good mood. Concentration level is high, so I excel at that certain time.

But when my mood is full off, I can’t even remember anything. and feel lost.

So, whenever I feel good from inside and mood is great I try to accomplish that time period in some meaningful employment which demands my full attention.

I know I am not always correct. But, I do know one thing for sure. Focus as it is sold — focus on one thing at a time is a sad boring. Creativity flows in all directions this is what all I had been taught during college.

But just trying to make it up over and over again without any meaningful thought is a waste of time.

<b>Instead of focusing on how much you can accomplish, focus on how much you can absolutely love what you’re doing and then you will come to know that how to Wear the Crown.</b>

