I can do it….

Pampering Myself

“The Eternal Verities”


Mind and Hearts holds it tight,

No matter how hard they don’t give up the fight,

You must think that you can do it,

Stand stiff and surely you will cross it,

Though you are scared,

Just don’t let that on you,

Smile for yourself and be tough,

things will be OK as you are not an inept,

Stay with the strength that you carry inside

Keep will & passion all fit in your eyes .

You can be what you ever wanted to be

Just believe the power you hold in to be…

Trust your heart, and keep the spirits on;

Don’t doubt yourself you will surely achieve it,

Sky isn’t the limit as nothing is unfeasible,

Ignore those put downs,& listen the soothing sounds

You are almost there where tears n anxiety are far behind.

You can be sunny,valuable and bright

When you’ll put all your worries aside.

Every problem will be solved,

Just move on and see past will disappear ,

Love yourself on whole and see ..

All things will be in your hand as you want it to be.

Be heroic and stand for yourself,

As still the time is moving and your aren't DEAD.

