Lessons learned while (literally) falling on my ass.

Keep climbing, if stuck find alternative routes, and know that with every step you are closer to the top. delfinaalden.com/love-and-wisdom

delfina alden
“The Eternal Verities”


I went on a very long and intense hike this morning, inadvertently. The hike was a surprise gift I decided to give myself before the day starts. I figured I would wander around “aimlessly” communicating with the flora and fauna that thrives in the often (thankfully) overlooked back way of a very popular LA hiking spot. I started walking, I picked up pace, the trail became steeper, I pushed forward and suddenly found myself up very high. It was a familiar predicament, I’ve done this before. I sometimes get so lost in the beauty and the wonder of it all that I end up finding myself in the most peculiar places. I love that about me.

So, suddenly, I was high up a steep hill, somewhere in the middle between where I began and the top where I would find a trail. I had no choice but to keep climbing. I had to use my hands at times. I grabbed on to branches, dry shrubs, and rock formations that seemingly were placed there just for this particular climb in this specific place in time. I gave myself little pep talks along the way…out loud. That really helped actually. I kept pushing, huffing and puffing up the steep hill until I saw the trail. I saw it and it seemed so close…deceptively close. I gave it one last push, maneuvered around some tall and unforgiving obstacles and suddenly, seemingly without effort, I was there, on top, looking out onto the distance. It was magnificent. I could see the entire city…all the way to Malibu on the west and all the way to Long Beach on the south. One of the clearest days in LA by far.

The feeling of immense gratitude and pure love I felt as I stood there was almost overwhelming. I felt this sense of accomplishment yes, but it was so much bigger than that. I was in the flow. I was one with the beauty that blossomed all around me. I had arrived. It was amazing and it set the tone for my entire week.

This impromptu hike turned out to be an incredible spiritual lesson and motivational tool. Below are the things I took away and want to share with you:

  • There is no such thing as “no choice” I could have chosen to make my way back down to the comfort of my car. I didn’t have to keep climbing. But I really wanted to. I yearned to make it to the top.
  • If you really want something and it is in line with Universal Flow unseen forces and sources will arise to help you on your journey. Always. You simply have to take the first steps. Start climbing and they will come.
  • When you are truly in the Now, present in the moment and are actually finding joy in what ever you are doing it becomes almost effortless. You can accomplish the seemingly impossible if you stay centered in the now. Don’t focus too much on how badly you want to be on top of the hill or look back down too often.
  • Whatever obstacle arises you can overcome, or simply find a way around it.
  • Sometimes you need to just do, forget planning, release the need to figure it out and just go forward. Even if “it” doesn’t work out your still a winner. You took action, there is metaphysical power in that.
  • Reconnecting with nature, getting in tune with the true you, and honoring your Self is an absolute must. Do it often and do it well. This ritual in self recognition and connection with the living being that is our Earth is one of the most simple and sacred acts one can do and it creates magic…for us all.
  • Life is incredible and I am truly excited to be present here, during this transformational time in our eternal history.

Magic is everywhere. It is in me, it is in you. It is Us.

See more at: http://delfinaalden.com/keep-climbing-if-stuck-find-alternative-routes-and-know-that-with-every-step-you-are-closer-to-the-top/#sthash.H7ppwg7I.dpuf



delfina alden
“The Eternal Verities”

Mystic, Metaphysician, Spiritual Activist. Inspiring Souls to Change The World by Living their True Purpose. tweet me: @shethemystic