Life Is Life Until You are Alive.

Instant Thought…..

“The Eternal Verities”


At one time I was feeling Awful about that I’m not perfect in anything, but then instantly to please my inner emotions a thought, an epic thought came in my mind that portrays as “Life is Life until you are alive”. And then I reiterated it again and again and I was like smiling that what I just said, and then I travelled deep into it considering that I was not a chump. We can embark on our life at any moment we want to we can erase what all has happened and can commence a new beginning and can make it as smooth all melodies we want to.

So instead of swinging your mood or thinking around your flaws in life and blaming yourself for for what all is taking place in your lifespan, you should lead a path to defend yourself and unfold a new chapter, do what you like to do, eat what you want to eat and leave your life on norms you want to follow.

As critics will always be there to press your nerve that you are wrong, only rather of making yourself pissed off you should stand up for yourself and be what you want to be. Forget the fucking place that horrifies you leave the tiring job that sucks even your mind out of you, Travel a lot, be a freelancer or a contracter to just Live Life. Don’t remember about the time you were weak, don’t think of the time people pulled you, think of the time you are starting to build, dreams high, live as a perfectionist use your core. Be happy and try to be the one who make their world wonderful by crafting their colors on the canvas of life. You are better to be fat than thin and regretting your life, it’s better to be out of work and do a part time instead of tension freak nights it is safer to go on than being drilled on the lonesome days.

See the world with your own perspective Live the Life until you are dead, as equally it is a precious gift and it is so free to be here as from any how you can initiate a new paragraph or say an another chapter to it.

So guys Life is Life until you are alive so make it the one with laughs, fun, smiles and immense love flowing out of it.

