My Well-Wisher


“The Eternal Verities”


I don’t know
Where are you going?
I don’t know
What you gonna do?
I don’t know
What are you feeling…?
I don’t know,
Are you true to yourself?
I don’t know
What do you pretend to be
I don’t know
How much have you really changed?

It’s all because I know what you really are.

I know about your unending dreams,

I know your reasons to dance and sing,

I know how your heartbeat speaks to me

I know you haven’t discovered you in me

I know you’re my best pal.

I know you were the reason I always grim.

Now even if you are out of my sight,
I still memorize your words in my life,
Which blemish me up and
Sparkle in my mind..
As you had handed me the best constituent of mine,
You taught me to believe in myself,
To grow old, but with a deep joy in itself,
To take out best even from worst,
To boost myself when I am Lousy,
How to smile when pain is all over,
And how to laugh in the mid of a crying shower
How to tackle challenges when I am weak,
How to be First even if its out my league.

How can I forget what were you to me,
A blind hope to pass the journey,
I knew you will be gone as we crossed the berm,
But what you made me will last till I am on my own .
You were a friend, a guider, a supporter an admirer,
More of all you are my
Well wisher

