Assumptions Make Things Worse When One Person Lets Their Assumptions Spiral…

assume = to make an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘me’.

Laura Annabelle
The Ethical World
Published in
5 min readMar 20, 2020


You know since I began selling stuff online through selling platforms such as eBay, Facebook Marketplace, Letgo; to name a few; some time later, customers began making assumptions of me from what I send them via messages in the chats. And honestly it’s been so hurtful and hard for me to do the right thing but also help them understand the real truth, and not the truth they come up with based on their assumptions.

I say something like I’m not available in the evenings Monday to Sunday; they assume I’m sketchy or someone who’s not having the right intentions… they assume that and then block me or report me because of the assumptions they made of me without even thinking of asking for clarification of the real, true… my truth.

It bugs me so much because about 95–100% of these people have made these kinds of assumptions of me and it’s always almost goes down an ugly path because they assumed the wrong idea 💡of my really intentions.

“You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop, and what you reinforce.” ~ Tony Gaskins

People make these assumptions of me without the thought of what percentage or chance that it could be my truth… Ever wonder what goes through people’s minds who make assumptions of people? I know I do. Well anyway here’s the definition and example of the term: assume;

Verb: To believe something is true based upon general unproven observations and reports.

Coining up a foolish, humorous insinuation about somebody or something that is probably not valid.

To make a complete idiot out of yourself or another person by saying that something happened that didn’t.

I am assuming we’re going to have wonderful weather today.

It just blows me away how people have little care and rational thinking to make wise and rational decisions in times where they find themselves communicating with sellers or customers online. Like even if a customer tells you that they aren’t happy about the one piece of data/info the seller didn’t include in the listing, doesn’t mean that the customer isn’t interested. Not every person who responds with a message like that means that they are doing it to hurt you or anything.

Every time, every moment: each person is there to teach you something and if you decide to make assumptions of someone and stand with them, then you aren’t seeing what the person can teach you if you just open your mind, which therefore would them open up your eyes to see the real world.

It annoys me so much. Like if it doesn’t tell you the size from the first screen you view on the ad, scroll down.

I get asked “where are you located?” And “what size is this?” so many times.

The answers are in the ad. They also assume so much and make me seem like I’m the ONE who made the mistake. Because I always include the necessary details such as:

  • Size
  • Condition
  • Quantity
  • Pickup, delivery and shipping options
  • And any other important details such as when I purchased the item(S) what I paid and am willing to sell it for.

Like I don’t know what to say at this point. I said previously before here that 95–100% people message me with assumptions and asking me the same stupid question: “where are you located?”. Like how hard is it for someone to scroll down to view the listing’s details? It’s not hard at all, because I do it no problem all the time. Whether I’m intending to buying something or just browsing or looking to see what people are listing for sale.

The 95–100% of people who have made assumptions of me which have been 98% false, and those who have failed every time to scroll down to view the listing’s details before messaging me to save me and them time if they can’t meet me in my area during my available hours to meet.

Because I don’t have time to waste talking/messaging anyone who just wastes my time when they just don’t reply period or don’t reply with an update whether or not they can still meet me and update me when they arrive at the meeting spot at the scheduled date.

Because many people alone have not messaged me back (even after I gave them my contact info: my cell phone 📱 number to contact me as I don’t have data on my phone plan) when the day we both agreed to meet to sell them the item they were wanting to buy from me; never replied at all for not just hours but days. Like if soemthing came up financially, psychologically, or even anything at all, let me know. Ask me if there’s anything you’d want me to help you with: ask me if I’m willing to hold the item for them… ask ask ask… always.

One customer I remember didn’t know until after he messaged me and after I told him that pickup is in Halton Hills. He said 2 options would be possible to arrange and he said he’d get back to me. That was on a Tuesday one week and Friday comes that week: another customer messages me for the same item and says she can pickup that same day around 11am and I said yes.

Though yes I told the first guy that I could hold the item for him but also stated to him that if I get another customer who can pickup before he can pickup to claim, I will sell it to the other customer. Which was exactly what I did. Then I updated the first guy that I told it, and he responded saying that he told me he was intending to buy the item from me. Then he left.

I read it 10 minutes later after coming upstairs from a daily task I was working on. And it was too late, I couldn’t explain to him that he didn’t get back to me before someone else claimed it… aka he lost out because he didn’t get back to me about arranging pickup.

We have a saying here ‘just cuz you did right doesn’t mean you get to feel right.’ ~ Flashpoint



Laura Annabelle
The Ethical World

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.