Communication Is Key In Everyday Life

Hello there!

Laura Annabelle
The Ethical World
Published in
5 min readSep 26, 2019


If you’ve ever had difficulty getting a point across to someone and they understood it wrong, and struggled to remain calm and be emotionally intelligent and in control of your emotions to help you handle the situation as calmly and professional as possible?

Well I’m here to set the stupid questions straight to help those people who we all have talked to and felt like idiots for asking a question to someone who clearly doesn’t take the time to ask for clarification. To start off, I’m gonna list some situations and questions I’ve been asked or had people understood wrong:

  • How come you changed the day you are available?… It’s too much of a hassle.
  • You are too far from me, sorry.
  • You can’t charge me less for shipping? It’s too expensive to pay $10–15 for shipping alone.
  • How come you can’t meet in the evening? (Or) your schedule is too complicated/not working with my schedule
  • Why don’t you do PORCH pickup? Why share such personal info when it’s not needed?
  • Why can’t you meet at Toronto Premium Outlet Mall when you live 10 minutes away and include it as a pickup location in your ad details?
  • Why can’t you ship sooner? I need it by “__”
  • One surprise stupid question which will be revealed and shared thoughts at the end of this article.

These are just some that I can particularly remember on the top of my mind. Are there any stupid annoying frustrating questions you can think of?

Now I’d like to talk about each one and my thoughts, experiences and knowledge on them. First one is:

  • How come you changed the day you are available?… It’s too much of a hassle.

Maybe I changed the day I am available because I may have had a brain fart or something and mixed up one day for another when I’m busy. And another thought: “life happens all the time, in fact every second of every day. You can’t guarantee I’ll be available without any change of plans or small delay.”

People have their plans changed last minute for their family and friends and others close to them. Sometimes people have to reschedule plans so they can go out of the country or elsewhere to attend a funeral, or visit someone in the hospital, or a wedding or anything like that. Before you go assume and go on about not being reliable, ask questions always: like these two examples: ⬇️

“There is no stupid question except the one that is not asked.” ~ as told this quote by my college professor.

So if you want to understand what someone is saying, ask questions to clarify and get the right perspective/picture right.

The second stupid question is:

  • You are too far from me, sorry.

When people assume, things happen that many have their egos, pride and ignorance cloud their vision and judgments towards the consequences of assuming. For example, you can assume that someone means one thing but actually means something else. As well as the example of the game: telephone that people play in school and during recess.

So if you choose to assume that from what you see from an ad someone posted on Facebook Marketplace of their location, you believe that they are too far. Without thinking if they may be willing/able to deliver to you in your area/town. Or even better: they may be going to your town for shipping or some other event or purpose and able to even drop it off or meet up quickly. How do you know something if you don’t ask?

The 3rd stupid question is:

  • You can’t charge me less for shipping? It’s too expensive to pay $10 – 15 for shipping alone.

Well I gotta say that I don’t make the prices for shipping, Canada Post and the government do, as Canada Post is unionized I believe. Remember that long strike they had which caused many delays and many shipments backed up for weeks.

The 4th stupid question is:

  • How come you can’t meet in the evening? (Or) your schedule is too complicated/not working with my schedule

Well people have their own reasons, circumstances why they can’t meet at specific locations and times, and days. For example, people who have physical illnesses and limitations; people can also have mental and emotional limitations that affect any situation and things that we all as humans do each and every day and those we do once in a while.

The 5th stupid question is:

  • Why don’t you do PORCH pickup? Why share such personal info when it’s not needed?

People have their own reasons (personal, business, private and etc. So if you wanna critique someone for their imperfections and mistakes. We are all imperfect as that’s part of being human. We all just gotta accept that and cut each other some slack.

Here’s the 6th stupid question:

  • Why can’t you meet at Toronto Premium Outlet Mall when you live 10 minutes away and include it as a pickup location in your ad details?

Well try thinking about people have their own circumstances like for example: health issues lead to having drivers license taken away for a period of time or until the health issue improves for a specific period amount of time, or people who don’t have their license and even if they had other people they could have to drive them there, they probably have their own jobs of their own and schedules will be different and even harder to arrange with your schedule.

Here’s the 7th stupid question:

  • Why can’t you ship sooner? I need it by “__”

I can’t ship any sooner because I have my own life and I can’t just go drop everything to visit the post office to have it shipped to your address. I have a life of my own and I am not gonna stop everything to do what you want me to do.

Time is more valuable than money. I can ship and sell and make money whenever I want, but we all don’t have enough time. We all wish we had more time with our loved ones, when their time is running short or they’ve passed away already.

And finally, here’s the 8th and final stupid question:

  • How dare you tell me how to do things. You’re not the boss of me

Okay maybe this one isn’t quite well worded even close to it but I think it brings the point/message across. Here’s a quote from: Spy Kids 4: All The ⏰ In The World 🌎 “ ⬇️

I hope this gets you thinking deep thoughts 💭



Laura Annabelle
The Ethical World

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.