Expectations With Online Shopping: Platforms

How hard it is for someone to scroll down to crow the details of an ad on Facebook Marketplace or Letgo? Not hard.

Published in
6 min readNov 27, 2019


There’s so many things I can add to the list of things customers who complained about or failed to do successfully at all when it comes to messaging sellers on Facebook Marketplace & Letgo. Here’s a list of them below:

  • Details

All you have to do is scroll down and view the details. If there’s any info that isn’t specified in the details, that would be a good time to ask the seller that if the item you are looking at is something you are looking to buy. Don’t waste people’s time if you are not gonna buy it at all or just going to ask stupid questions and make quick accusations and assumptions at the sellers for being… human.

If you want best service: maybe start by putting your half of the effort in, read the details and the title of the ad (title labeling item(S) for sale). And then once getting a reply that the item(S) are available, ask any further questions that may not have been specified in the details or pictures.

If there’s anything about the details specified in the details section that you are confused about, ask them for clarification. Ask them to rephrase it so you can understand the details better. Same goes if the seller messaged you anything in the chat that you don’t understand.

  • Schedule

Sellers have their own schedule aside from selling stuff online and in person. So because considerate of their schedule. If you can’t meet during the availability times, arrange to have a friend, or family member or anyone you know who can pickup for you. They don’t have to necessarily live in the seller’s area/town, but in the Halton Hills region or anywhere in Ontario or wherever you are in the world.

Some sellers have complicated scheduled. No it goes above and under a completely different group than young parents in their 20’s raising 1 or more kids/babies. It goes under the group of mental illness, addiction, eating disorders and abuse (domestic abuse & violence).

You may be wondering how this group has any relation or interference in a seller’s schedule and availability to meet up to make sales/transactions?

Well people who may still be living with their emotionally and/or physically abusive parents or partners, can make it difficult to meet up.

As with living with abusive parents for example, can easily use their manipulative skills to manipulate and control the seller (their daughter or son) and make them cancel their plans with their friend, use shame to get them to do what they (parents) want instead of just allowing their daughter or son or live their life however they choose as they are old enough to have more control in that area.

Trust me, I am someone who live with mental illnesses and still currently living with my abusive parents.

Though abusive parents and partners weren’t born like this. It’s known to those who are aware and/or in books or educational groups that kids who’s father is abusive towards his wife (the daughter’s/son’s mother; the kids are known to marrying their father or mother. And sometimes the kids are around that environment and energy for many years, enough to have the abusive patterns/behaviours, actions and choices as their abusive father or mother.

With that last part in mind, sellers may seem to be controlling, and using force/demand/manipulation or shame or any other method to force you to buy something from them. They can’t stand losing… so they try to control the situation more than they are entitled or allowed to, and start controlling you.

If someone tells you to appreciate your parents who love you for who you are (unconditionally) and actually try to understand you (aside from the struggles of being misunderstood as teens), it’s coming from a wound that hurts them because of how they have been craving and lacking that quality in their own parents; they want you to understand the words between the lines of saying that: to appreciate them and not take your own loving parents for granted!

Here’s a couple websites to understand domestic abuse more:

And most importantly: here you’ll understand how it can be hard if a seller you come across struggles a lot to meet up with you when you are available. They may be available in the evenings when they aren’t working when you (the customer) is most available to meet: but can’t because of domestic abuse from their partner/spouse or parents.

This is a constant struggle for me. I try my best to meet away from my parents house to meet someone but sometimes it can be trickier than you may even realize at this point. And I prefer to meet mornings or afternoons (unless parents are out for dinner with friends or going away and staying 1 or more nights). And knowing many people work 9am-5pm shifts so meeting mornings or afternoons most of the time don’t work for them or unless they can meet when I’m able to when I’m away from the house and my parents.

Another good point in a different group: some sellers will have to either reschedule or hope you can meet another day as one of the days you are available they aren’t because of a family emergency or an important meeting or appointment. Or even they pickup an extra shift as they are in need of extra $$$. This is one I’m hoping most or all people can understand except for those who don’t yet know or have learnt this yet.

  • Prices

Prices may not always be indicated/specified in the ad details: though they may state to message for prices and availability for colours and sizes of the product(S). If there’s no prices at all specified, ask the seller the price. And even if the seller doesn’t mention that the price is or isn’t negotiable; it would NEVER hurt to ask… Ask, Ask, Ask.

  • Shipping

Shipping charges/costs are not controlled by myself. They are by Canada Post & other shipping companies like Purolator, FedEx, UPS, etc. If you would like me to find out if there’s any cheaper shipping option, let me know and I can get that info fro you. And then you can decide whether you want me to ship the item for you, or meet up in my area or whenever I’m in your area; that is if I’m ever in your area.



Laura Annabelle
The Ethical World

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.