How Do You Know When It’s Someone Who’s Suicidal or Just Someone Being a Regular Teen?

Laura Annabelle
The Ethical World
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2019


When it comes to something as serious and real as mental illness, it comes down to one particular that comes to my mind:

Bad things happen if good people do nothing. ~ Jack Thornton, When Calls The Heart

To go into more detail about this quote and it’s connection snd relation to mental illness; I’d like to tell you not to listen to anything any member of Scientology religion/cult says about their religion and how successful they are as a religion with health and life in a religious point of view.

They will tell you that when it comes to moments when someone is in a suicidal state and acts on the suicidal thoughts and successfully takes their own life; their belief is that they (the person who took their own life) is responsible or rather say the only one who can save themselves from these destructive and unhealthy yet dangerous thoughts.

Well they are wrong; the part about the quote you gotta think about is: if you have ever watched “13 Reasons Why” Netflix series, in season 1, Hannah Baker shows more than one clear sign that she showed to a few people in the show that she was struggling and at risk mentally for herself and her health. And they all did nothing because they didn’t notice those signs clearly enough to see what Hannah was trying to tell them without even actually saying it.

And with that, bad things (losing people to suicide) happen when good people (anyone that is involved or interacts or communicates with the victims (people suffering with their own minds) do nothing.

When it comes to health issues, mental health issues isn’t fully and 100% included by each and every citizen in our society and world. And it needs to change more. And I’m not saying that the small amounts of change with this isn’t “good enough” and not my intention at all to take away anyone’s self worth or make anyone feel inadequate.

If we want more change, one think I can think of that we all wish for… world peace. But how can we begin making small changes and improvements if we don’t start with ourselves? We must first work on ourselves: the many wars we are fighting within ourselves that we have either ignored or given the many excuses that it’s more worthwhile to make other people feel inadequate or anything else that anyone can think of.

Once we work on that and have a clearer idea of how peace is accomplished, we can then work and make small improvements and changes outside of ourselves… the world to bring us all towards world peace one step, one moment, one day at a time!

Mr. Lawson: I gotta stand up for what’s right!

Elizabeth: For what’s right or what makes you the most money. Look I’m a teacher but so are you Mr. Lawson. Everyday you’re at home you’re setting an example of how to be you’re better than this.



Laura Annabelle
The Ethical World

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.