
Meghan Can & Will Change The World… Her Way

There’s nothing more fashionable than doing your own thing. ~ Bratz

Laura Annabelle
Published in
5 min readSep 20, 2019


Meghan Markle is a princess of the royal family for some months now and has given birth to her son, Archie and since she was public about her relationship with Harry, many issues have come and passed about Meghan causing trouble and issues with staff at the palace and with following the Royal rules. People can perceive Meghan how they choose and state their opinions that she is causing trouble and should just follow the rules and all else.

But for me, I see things differently which can be labeled as a refreshing perspective of things. To start off with my refreshing perspective on Meghan and her chosen actions, decisions and choices; I’d like to say that everyone has their rights. Human rights. We all have the freedom to speak, freedom of speech but also we have soldiers that have fought in war to gain the result of freedom for our country.

So my thoughts on this with this in mind, is that why limit people and basically take away a fraction of people’s freedom to be who they are and freedom overall when soldiers are out there fighting for freedom for us? Why take away something from someone that came from a hard battle soldiers fought for the sake of humans on earth. We all deserve to be treated equally and we all have rights to express our opinions, be heard and make a difference in the world. Because:…

And if we want world peace, we can’t go around acting:

  • Immature
  • Ignorantly
  • Selfishly
  • Idiotically

If we want world peace and any real change in our world, we need to begin with ourselves. Like Justin Bieber said in “Love Yourself”, which will be repeated with many articles of mine in the past and future:

“You told me that you hated my friends but the problem was with you and not them.”

The more hate you release into our world the worse it gets. And yet we all say we wish for “world peace” for our birthdays and on other occasions, including any regular normal day. We are so blind to how we are wishing for something and yet contribute no work towards that goal on our part.

If we want world peace, then begin by working on yourself. Finding peace within yourself and what you are at war with inside your mind. Work on that and then you’ll begin to see a clear picture and understanding of what Peace looks like and use that towards what you can do on your part with progress with world peace.

Anyway, if we want to live a good life, we must work and focus our attention, energy, time on ourself. Because that is the only person we have the right to control. The rest of the world and society we can’t nor should try to control. Stop trying to please people to get their validation of you being “good enough”. Especially your parents, it’s time to focus on you, your life, your future and your goals!

Do what you have control with and go from there, one day, one minute, one moment at a time. So back to Meghan Markle. So many people especially the Queen, has been trying to have her follow the royal rules and I’m sick and tired of her believing she has any right to have that much power over her. No one should have that much power over anyone. The only kind of power you can have is: inspiring and encouraging people; to result in change:

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

It’s the little things that can change the world. We always think the big things, the big milestones, accomplishments make a difference; but it’s the small things more so. The small things make people’s day, they also change people’s day when they are having a bad day.

So here’s an example of how Meghan Markle did something small to show her appreciation to her makeup artist for his birthday I believe!

It’s the little things that we appreciate that we do for one another and we don’t do it enough because we put on the act of: selfishness, entitlement, immaturity, ignorants, and anything else you can add!

You may think that it may sound cliche or old or something but it makes a difference no matter the size of impact or size of the action.

And Meghan Markle has been making a difference before and after she became part of the royal family. When she was a star as Rachel Zane in “Suits” for 7 seasons. And to what projects she’s done and been working on after getting involved with Harry and the royal family.

Like these two are a couple examples that can show how she’s making a difference and that I myself believe she can make a difference even with the stupid strict rules within the royal family.

I think a lot like Meghan and a lot of the things she has experienced since having relations with Harry; I can relate and have relatively similar to my own. And I get how she would react the ways she did and try to get what she wants. It’s called an act of self love and by standing up for ourselves and what we believe in.

And no one should have power and control over anyone but their own self! That’s all I can say



Laura Annabelle

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.