Mental Health Matters

Laura Annabelle
The Ethical World
2 min readMar 24, 2018


Mental health matters just as much as our physical health! And I don’t mean to exclude/leave out our emotional health not one bit! Mental health is something that’s known to be viewed as crazy because we weren’t taught everything around the subject in school so why should we take anything seriously from anyone who tells us this?

Well regardless of the fact that mental health is still in the working progress of being added to the teaching curriculum, it’s important to those who have already graduated from high school to educate themselves: but not too much online & visit your local library to learn all about the warning signs of mental illness, addictions & eating disorders plus all the things we can start our long journey to practice to help strengthen our mental health & take better care of our brain yet our mental well-being overall regardless of what anyone or ourselves may find uncomfortable at first!

Self care & self love can be things that feel too selfish or just weird to you in the beginning but trust me & anyone else who stands by this: that’s normal to believe or think things like that. But know you’ll get more used to the new lifestyle you are creating for yourself & how you are changing the way you care for yourself & your brain! Your brain is vitally important when it comes to our health.

And it’s important that educate ourselves to help us get a better understanding of the mental health subject & attend therapy to help us work through our issues so we can let go of our past and our future worries & begin to focus on creating the future we want to live! It’s all you, & know there are many others in the same journey! There’s no shame in seeking help through a shrink/counselling for anything!

Make peace with your past and your issues & you’ll be able to own the life you are creating for yourself: in fact a healthier one! Be proud of yourself! Baby steps no matter how small or big, should always be celebrated & receive & even give yourself grace for achieving small achievements or what we call: victories! Happy mental health day all year long no matter what day it is! Take care of you! #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthart #mentalhealtheducation



Laura Annabelle
The Ethical World

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.