Royal Family Disowns Harry & Meghan!

Laura Annabelle
The Ethical World


Queen Elizabeth blames Meghan for all the drama.

Well with all that has happened with Meghan as she has many struggles with adapting to new environments and to new rules and demands by the royal family; its very clear to whatever percentage this article from April 2019 is fake or not authentically true; I believe that the royal family have put Meghan through way more than she deserves… than anyone deserves.

The Royal Family seem to be too focused on all royal family members following royal protocol that they have completely lost sight and mind about: compassion, empathy, understanding, kindness, patience, caring and other characteristics to which we all should be for one another no matter who we all are as individuals and our circumstances and titles. These characteristics appear to my eyes and my mind have been no where to be seen.

It seems they have more importance and need of being right all the time, and having everything go to royal protocol and all else, more than being compassionate and caring for someone when and if they choose to open their eyes to see that Meghan doesn’t need to be constantly reminded of how “difficult” she has been and how she has been repeatedly breaking protocol. To me, I believe being compassionate, understanding, empathetic, and caring along with being considerate about other people’s wants and needs.

Isn’t it true that love of any kind is: putting someone else’s needs above their own, therefore not demanding someone to change who they are how they live their life in order to gain their acceptance/approval. Its beyond exhausting seeking that validation stating that we are “good enough” for other people. What Meghan needs is unconditional love; the kind of love the royal family have been giving for decades is: conditional love. Basically the kind where they only accept those and love those who follow the royal rules and all else; if anyone doesn’t follow them, they won’t be given any love, kindness, compassion, empathy, understanding or any other characteristics.

I can more than completely understand what Meghan is going through; though I may not have experienced being involved in anything within the royal family and their royal protocols destroying one’s mental wellbeing to shreds one harsh comment at a time; I can relate with the kind of treatment that is similar in its own ways to the environment I worked at for 2 years and finally had the guts and opportunity to end my employment with: Walmart.

I was a cashier for a portion of that time and to also let you know: customers act and behave selfishly, ignorantly and immaturely and act like they have every right to act that way; as if that isn’t setting an example for their kids that it’s okay with treating people like crap to get what you want in this world;

The environment there was one that focused more on having all associates following their rules including their own strict dress code of wearing onlyblack and white”; which felt to me like hell. It felt like I had to be someone else in order to work there. Like I had to risk and sacrifice my own mental wellbeing and all that I value and that is important to me; in order to work there; to get a pay check every two weeks!

To me, nothing is worth getting a pay check every two weeks by having to follow these stupid: lacking empathy, compassion, understanding, consideration, care and even unconditional love! I felt like if I didn’t follow their rules and dress code; I wouldn’t be rewarded or given any ounce of unconditional love or any of the other characteristics I listed here.

To me, these rules lack so much: the people who made them and continue to enforce them: forget about how important it is to be there for someone who’s going through any tough time. When someone shows signs of struggle, be compassionate, caring, kind, non-judgmental (no shame), and understanding of what they are going through and help them feel better whether give them some time alone on their break; send them home with someone who can care for them in this time; or something more beyond the simple solutions.

Show that their situation and circumstances that they are experiencing is valid and should be heard in a way that is fully seen and understood by you so that the rules and protocol don’t override your empathy, kindness and all else. Because if you still have those rules and protocol on your mind while trying to empathize with someone, you aren’t doing it 100% correctly: you aren’t fully understanding what they are going through!

In these moments: people choose the importance of the rules being followed and enforced more than being kind, compassionate and understanding towards coworkers, clients, customers, friends, family and all others. Which shows to those in need of the characteristics I’ve mentioned a few times, that the rules are more important than being compassionate and understanding and empathetic for people like them in moments like this: which we all have!

And so in conclusion on my statement and reasons backing up my statement; is that the rules seem to be more important to the royal family and those who created them and enforce them; more than the importance of being there for someone when they are struggling, going through a tough time and may need a day off or 1+ weeks off to focus and prioritize their mental wellbeing more!

And I completely agree that the ways that Meghan has reacted and behaved may not be the best way to get change when justice or change is needed; but the reason why she has is because she’s trying to get their attention that the ways they’ve lived and from the time she became part of the royal family; have not been far to her and her health and needs. For she feels and believes that like I said: the rules are more important than being their for someone in need of support: characteristics I’ve listed and unconditional love!

“She made it clear she blamed newcomer Meghan for causing the crisis by thumbing her nose at palace protocol and demanding she and Harry be free of royal rules and supervision to do their own thing.”

It’s not too selfish at all to want to live your own life on your own terms and not he demanded/forced to follow the protocol in order to be accepted into the family and given any validation or love of any kind (that they believe in). It’s called self love; where one sees that they aren’t being treated fairly and are standing up for themselves to gain the result/outcome of being treated better!

Because we all want to be treated fairly and not be told how to live our life and who we have to be to be part of the family, community, society or world for that matter! You remember a time when someone refused to understand what you were going through and called you “crazy” or “psycho” or “out of your mind” to believe such none sense?

How does that make you feel? Now if you were given the chance to be on the other side of this type of scenario and be the opposite person: wouldn’t you give that person acceptance of what they are telling you and that they aren’t crazy for thinking and believing those kinds of things? To give someone else a chance to receiving kindness, understanding and all other important qualities/characteristics and even peace knowing someone respects what you believe and won’t judge you harshly or shame you for believing such crap!

“Thats when Charles sided with William, telling Harry, ‘you need to grow up ~ you’re not part of this family any longer.’”

Harry accused William and Kate of doing nothing to help Meghan ease into royal life ~ and flatly refused to reconcile!

People no matter who they are and their title and circumstances, always seem to focus more on themselves and act selfishly towards others being perceiving others as being “too selfish” and not being compassionate, caring, empathetic, considerate about someone else’s circumstances and situation.

And on this note: being a cashier for quite some time at Walmart, I’ve noticed that people are so selfish they blind themselves that people who are cashing them out are going through their own issues and they don’t need to be given the “selfish” talk when they refuse to be selfless and empathize other people’s circumstances! That they are “entitled” to be right and treated like royal treatment and all and that no one else matters!

Be considerate of these moments and try to get some perspective from someone else even. Our parents teach us to share the road when driving, to share the toys with the other kids, to share your attention and include everyone (not exclude anyone who’s nearby). Yet when it comes to these everyday moments in stores, people throw all that out the window?

What happened? When did people become so self involved and less involved and selflessly caring for other people these days? People choose their own needs above everyone else’s. And we all wonder why the divorce rate is at 41% from 2006! Here’s more facts below in link:

Selfishness may not be the only problem we humans have lately in the 2000’s but that doesn’t make it okay to continue these behaviours and patterns. If we all want and wish for “world peace” than we all must get more serious about what each one of us needs to work on first… ourselves!

We have to learn to be at peace with ourselves and all that we are at war within ourselves first so we then know what peace looks and sound like to be able to know that we can only control ourself and only; and to be the change we wish to see in the world. By inspiring change only and nothing beyond that: no demands, enforcement of the strict rules and protocols. Just be more accepting of who people are and that we can’t control or force anyone to change into who we want them to be: because that’s not part of our responsibility nor our job to!

Every day you wake up and have a second chance to do whatever you want, be who you want; the only thing stopping you, is you! ~ Second Act

Now I’d like to briefly talk a bit about how we should change our own lives. Find what matters to ourself: what we value, what we want, what we believe in outside of the rules in our society and enforced by the government. Find any passions, hobbies that you find you enjoy and have some talent in. Use that and see how you can use it to inspire healthier change for our society!

Be your own role model and let that be an example of how others can live their own life! which involves throwing away your ego to do so!

But the truth is, our mistakes don’t limit us, only our fears do! ~ Second Act



The Ethical World
The Ethical World

Published in The Ethical World

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Laura Annabelle
Laura Annabelle

Written by Laura Annabelle

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.