Seller’s responsibility VS buyer’s responsibility

Laura Annabelle
The Ethical World
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2021

When it comes to selling and buying in buy/sell platforms such as eBay, Facebook, Depop, Carousel, PayPal & even USA platforms like Mercari; there’s things that are divided between the buyer and the seller. And I’m here to declare them for you.


When it comes to fees; some platforms like eBay, Depop, PayPal and others. They charge a small fee that comes off on the seller’s end. Note: it’s the SELLER’S responsibility to include these fees to the total before charging someone for a sale of an item.


Depop: 10%

eBay: $12.55%

PayPal Goods & Services: 2.90%

When you don’t respect yourself, you go looking for signs of disrespect in others! ~ Louise Litt, Suits

Example: one time I was buying an item from a seller through Facebook Marketplace (inside a Facebook group) and the seller wasn’t happy with the amount she received because “I” forgot to include the PayPal fee of 2.90% to the total. She asked me to send her the remaining amount that was missing; about $1.50 CAD. When you think about it; sending her a second PayPal transfer of $1.50 CAD woild mean I’d have to add the 2.90% onto the $1.50 CAD which after calculating would be about $0.44 extra.

No one should be expected to send two transfers because it was the seller’s fault in the end who which forgot to include the fees to the total before allowing the buyer to send the PayPal transfer. In these situations, when I sell and buyers want to pay through PayPal Goods & Services, I always do my best to include the fees in the total. Once or twice I’ve forgot so I ended up refunding the buyer and then calculating the fees to the total and then having the buyer resend with the new updated total. No emotional responses like the seller used in her responses to me when “I” made the mistake. She did in fact respond with emotion from how she worded her response.

Whenever I forget to include the fees to the total, I take responsibility because it was my mistake but also my responsibility, not the buyer’s. The buyers in these situations where I forgot to, they were okay and calm yet respectful; no emotional responses. That’s the way it should be.


You’ll never get to heaven or even to L.A. if you don’t believe there’s a way. ~ Hilary Duff

When it comes to dreams and well this topic, if you want something, you gotta put the work in to make it part of your reality. Otherwise if you don’t, it will become someone else’s reality.

So let’s look at it in a situation. You message a seller through a Facebook listing and ask some questions about the product and then talk about arranging a day and a time to pickup and pay for the item. You tell the seller that you’d be available the coming Wednesday but if not definitely Thursday (if unable to make it Wednesday).

Wednesday comes around and you say nothing to the seller about whether you can make it Wednesday at all. And Wednesday passes finally. Thursday arrives and you message the seller about coming for 1pm that day and the seller tells you the item has been sold as of yesterday evening.

You may find yourself expressing some emotions towards the seller for not telling you that. But rationally what the main problem is that you didn’t notify the seller that you weren’t able to make it Wednesday but still able to on Thursday. And since you didn’t clarify/state this to the seller on Wednesday, someone else put enough work to end up being their reality of buying the item from the seller.

One of a few important thing for any relationship: communication is everything. You can’t expect anyone to read your mind so if you want something (like having someone buy you lunch from a fast food restaurant) don’t you think you should be communicative about what you want and also be specific. If you don’t, don’t complain when they get you something you don’t want when you weren’t specific enough.



Laura Annabelle
The Ethical World

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.