The Problems With The Workplace Rules

What really matters here:

Laura Annabelle
The Ethical World
Published in
10 min readJul 8, 2019


The many problems with workplace rules are as follows from my own life experiences working in different companies over my past life leading to today. So get ready to learn and see a new picture of how someone else sees rules like the ones I’m gonna share and explain my beliefs and reasons behind why I believe they are unsuccessful and not the right ones to enforce in all companies associates!

Now first off, I’d like to start off with how some companies for example: Walmart is known for having their cashiers to bag their customers bags. For me being a cashier for many months and trained by another cashier back in summer of 2017, I have my own belief given from my own parents being that if you don’t communicate what you want from someone whether it’s food (put any items on the grocery list) or expecting someone to do something for you; communication needs to be accounted for.

If someone wants someone to bag their bags, even if the company is known for bagging their customers bags even especially without any communication from the customer; I believe that there should be some communication included during the transaction as some customers want their stuff bagged and some have their own preference of how their items are bagged and prefer to bag the items themselves!

So without any communication, well I’m just gonna say it: no one here on this earth are robots nor mind readers, if you want something or someone to do something for you; you must be vocal or communicative in two different but same terms. So when a cashier ask if you want bags, yes or no and specify if you want to bag them or if you’d like the items bagged for you! Oh and please be kind and considerate and don’t talk on the phone during the whole transaction so that you or the cashier doesn’t miss anything.

Perhaps anything: if a cashier doesn’t catch when they scanned one item twice by mistake (and didn’t catch it before getting to the payment step in the transaction) or if you have any coupons or any price matching; it’s good to be mindful and present in the moment. Focus on one task at a time. If someone calls you, simply either:

  1. Answer it and tell them that you’ll call them when you return home or at a better time.
  2. Decline the call so it doesn’t continue ringing while bugging other customers in line who may find it annoying and get pissed off.

Well that’s just one thing I have on one of the rules or beliefs of a role enforced by companies like walamrty. Another thing I’d like to mention here is:

Selfishness and empathy

What questions or thoughts do these two particular subjects come to mind? It can be around any kind of moment or scenario. Doesn’t have to be based or related to companies like Walmart. Anyway, write down below in the comment section your thoughts, experiences or anything around these two subjects.

But now, it’s my turn to share my thoughts and beliefs of these two subjects.

Selfishness is something I’ve been noticing a lot lately in each of us citizens in our society! In so many different scenarios; it really breaks my heart and really gets me wondering what psychological issue or answer that lead to all of us becoming so selfish to the point where we made ourselves to be not only selfish, but ignorant, immature for other people completely and not show any empathy or kindness or understanding and even any compassion and consideration.

We have become so self involved with our own being that we don’t easily enough notice how far we’ve fallen down this hole that lead each one of us to where we are today in our society as a whole. For example, world peace and taking care of our home: earth! Well if you have already watched and listened to Lil Dickey’s music video for “Earth” or if you haven’t yet: here it is:

I mean, there’s so many people out here who don’t think Global Warming’s a real thing. You know? We gotta save this planet. We’re being stupid. Unless we get our shit together now.

Well what are your thoughts now? Any thoughts on one quote that I’d like to bring to awareness very closely:

But these days, it’s like we don’t know how to act. All these shootings, pollution, we under attack on ourselves.

What about this lyric quote brings to your mind? What part have you ever played in this? The last part (highlighted in black).

We are attacking ourselves by being harsh and critical about ourselves and on top of then being harsh towards and onto each other. Making everyone except ourselves feel what we are experiencing and put it into their own minds and wrecks havoc beyond our own control, we all wish we could control it!

We all wish we could control a lot more than what we actually can. But deep down we can’t and we shouldn’t do everything in our power to put other people against others to make your point that you can control people however you like. The world doesn’t work that way! Basically:

You want change with no sacrifice. You want peace with no struggle. The world doesn’t work like that. ~ Allegiant

Another thing to think about is how we do very easily use violence or even use our own anger and frustrations to make our point and to be heard because we feel it is the only way it will catch people’s attention and maybe even be heard; versus being vocal about it with kindness, gentleness and in a calmly manner.

But what makes it so hard for each of us to control our own anger and frustrations and pain in harsh and violent ways with a healthier and wiser method? What makes it so hard for one person to respond with calm emotions and thoughts? What makes one person believe that using our anger, frustrations and pain in violent and harsh ways to make our voice and message heard and actually seen by the eyes and ears of other citizens in our society?

Some people react to violence with violence. Our retaliation is putting good into the world! ~ Meghan Markle

What could we take from our own power and right to make it easier to bring a message across to society and make our voice be heard without any violence or harsh language? What can we do that can even inspire people to follow our example? Be the change you wish to see in the world! That is one!

You could’ve let the walls dictate your life but instead you let it inspire you to make a difference and that inspires me. ~ Meghan Markle, Harry & Meghan: Becoming Royal

One other thing I’ve noticed in society I’m not just being a cashier (past tense) at Walmart, but also during the 2–3 years of experience I’ve had selling on both Facebook Marketplace, Letgo and eBay: is the selfishness and entitlement and lack much empathy, understanding, kindness, and consideration!

People think they can just be mean and rude to cashiers and anyone that doesn’t give them the service and deals the way they want. If it’s not meeting their expectations, and an item they want is not the price as labeled in the ad or if a price is too high and cannot sell for less than a specific amount or give away for FREE or lastly even over free shipping to ship an item for FREE to a customer through Letgo, or Facebook Marketplace; they act all like we are the bad person.

Hello: we all need money for many different reasons and people find themselves selling items for many different reasons and even due to circumstances of all kinds. If a seller pulls an item off their profile or remove from the selling platform: there’s a reason for example:

  • Plans became much busier and unable to meet and will have to hold off on reposting it until schedule clears up
  • Death in the family or someone real close and need to take a break or hold off on scheduling any meet ups or shipping any items or 1+ weeks.
  • Circumstances that are not easily understood: health issues and abuse issues: domestic abuse/violence: note: domestic abusers can be really controlling if someone is living with one: it can mean that meeting someone to sell something to them will cause more problems than it’s worth: abuser will make the person’s life a living hell and be selfish and lack empathy and understanding with their own health issues and how they may be selling for their chosen reasons…
  • And many more

So if you want anything any seller is selling, be considerate about the sellers terms with making the transaction in either cash or e-transfer. Be considerate about the time they are taking out of their day to ship something for you. If you needed it for a specific event by a specific date, be clear about that as earliest as you can.

And consider that they have their own jobs and busy schedules with other priorities to do in their own life: if they choose to ship something to you or meet you, appreciate it! If their availability is not working with your schedule, find someone like a friend or family member pick it up for you, or pay for shipping and if you want tracking to track it it will cost more. And don’t get mad about the prices: the costs are made by the government as Canada Post works through them.

If you want a cheaper option: having seller deliver to you in person will cost $5–10 maybe more depending on distance which will cover for gas: if most likely seller is doing it out of their way; not near any of their known locations: workplace, home, other.

That’s the problem with this generation, they’re so entitled, they don’t even say please. ~ Bart Bass, Gossip Girl

People think people are selfish, immature, ignorant, entitled and more because they chose to be like that; but that’s not the complete truth. There’s way more to it than just that alone. People are like that because of their own past life. Their past leading up to today: the way they are is because of their past. When people let them down, get bullied, traumatized by trauma, treat them poorly, abuse them (domestic abuse/violence: physically, emotionally, mentally) like Robin McGraw explains:

People are the way they are because of that and you gotta think of a moment when you were misunderstood and underestimated by people, and you wish they could just try to understand you and express some empathy and kindness, you’d really feel some ounce of peace and acceptance of your health and circumstances and even maybe be accepted for who you are!

If you were the person on the other side and were given the opportunity to give someone a moment that we all want: to be understood, heard, seen for all that we actually are not what people want to see in us, and be accepted and even loved unconditionally; wouldn’t you?

You can never really know someone until you walk a mile in their shoes! ~ Gossip Girl

What do understanding and peace have in common? Maybe empathy? Peace can happen if one person chooses to be empathetic and understanding of someone else’s side of the story and what they are explaining to you. Like one of the five steps to ending the stigma around mental illness:

  1. Language matters
  2. Be kind
  3. Listen & ask
  4. Educate yourself
  5. Talk about it

People live their lives with many different things attached and it makes it more complicated and hard to easily understand (unless you take the time to understand mindfully) with the 3 A’s:

  1. Awareness
  2. Acceptance
  3. Action

People can have anger issues and mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and even other mental issues like: PTSD, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictions. It is encouraged to be kind, considerate, empathetic, compassionate and respect people and treat them with kindness!

Some people with difficult circumstances can’t so easily go to the gym to release years worth of anger, frustrations and pain onto a punching bag or any healthy forms of releasing anger instead of releasing onto people, customers, sellers and all others. People with mental health issues just want to be loved and even not seen as “crazy” or “psycho” and want to be treated as if their mental illness doesn’t define them as a whole person completely and that being someone with a mental illness/condition does not make them a bad person!

Expressing your rage and anger is part of your healing process. You can’t move on until you let it out. ~ Therapist, Gossip Girl

People think we have to follow all the rules, and yeah most of them we all should, but some particularly don’t apply here. Some rules go against our own beliefs and lifestyle and more and living and working with people who’s rules violate or go against these personal beliefs; will either:

  • Not consider applying there
  • Or decide that it can be a moment/opportunity to change the rules by making them better: like the business term: The SWOT Anaylsis

Which are:

  1. Strength
  2. Weakness
  3. Opportunity
  4. Threat

Use these to help with the process of making changes to the rules that can make people’s lives so much better and stress free and even peaceful! Who doesn’t want peace? We all wish and dream of reaching a day where we accomplish “world peace” but we all don’t realize the main ingredient to make some progress… we have to learn to be kind to ourselves and work on our own inner peace first to know what that example of peace looks like before making any further steps towards making a day closer to achieving world peace; one person and one day and one step at a time!

We stop playing by THEIR rules and make OUR own. ~ Nelly, Gossip Girl



Laura Annabelle
The Ethical World

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.