Activists in California Show How Immigration Policies Affect Local Issues

News from Latino Rebels and Mitú

Arevalo Stacey
The Ethnic Voice
2 min readMar 20, 2017


Screenshot from Latino Rebels

“In the era of deportations take a stand”…Pablo Paredes chanted together with a crowd during a Berkeley Unified School District board meeting, Latino Rebels reported. This piece discussed how Paredes, a father and activists, criticized the board for wanting to close down a charter school with a predominantly Latino student body. In a video, Paredes is shown calling out the double standard, he believes exists, as the city brags about being progressive during Trump’s era and yet “silences” communities of color.

Latino Rebels also included and op-ed this week written by Wendy Carrillo, an activist and former journalist who is now running for Congress in California. In her piece, she explained how current immigration policies triggered her decision to run, in order to represent people like her, and “stand up for a country of promise, not a country of fear and oppression.”

Screenshot from Latino Rebels

Mitú also published a piece earlier this year, introducing Carrillo to its readers as a “Latina Running to Represent Her Hood”. In her interview with Mitú, Carrillo also talked about her motivations and further explained why she is an “unconventional politician.”

