Assad’s chemical weapons inflict fear

News from Watan

Elie Georges
The Ethnic Voice
1 min readApr 10, 2017


Sarin gas attack on Syrian town Khan Sheikhoun, on April 4, was conducted by the Syrian regime army, according to a report by Watan.

The attack took the lives of at least 74 civilians, including women and children. President Trump responded by missile raiding the airport from which the Syrian army fired the chemical weapons on the town.

Photo courtesy of Watan

Watan’s report came from information based on news from Haaretz, a major Israeli media outlet.

The report says that this Sarin gas attack is sending messages of fear to the Syrian people because Assad might have more chemical weapons. In addition, the report claims that these weapons might have been obtained from Russia, while assuring that neither the Russian nor the Iranian forces were involved in attack.

This is the second time Assad has used Sarin gas on Syrian civilians since the August 21, 2013 Ghouta raids, when he was ordered to cease chemical weapons by the UN.

