Electronic device restrictions imposed on travelers from Muslim-majority countries

News from Al-Akhbar USA

Elie Georges
The Ethnic Voice
1 min readMar 27, 2017


Department of Homeland Security has imposed restrictions requiring the search of electronic devices larger than a cellphone for travelers flying from airports in Muslim-majority countries, according to Al-Akhbar.

Article as it appeared on the print newspaper.

Al-Akhbar says this restriction is solely the decision of Homeland Security, not part of President Trump’s Travel Ban. However, it was announced by the White House.

The article reports that the devices included in the search might be desktop computers, laptops, tablets, cameras, and portable DVD players.

The countries whose airports will be affected by this new rule are Jordan, UAE, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait, Morocco, and Qatar.

Al-Akhbar’s dateline is “Agencies” and the information is from Reuters.

