Jewish Leaders owe Trump an apology

News from Jewish Journal

Santiago Svidler
The Ethnic Voice
1 min readApr 10, 2017


Screenshot from Jewish Journal

Dennis Prager from the Jewish Journal believes that Jewish leaders owe an apology to President Donald Trump and to Americans because in his opinion there has been a large exaggeration of anti-Semitism claims linked to President Donald Trump.

Prager strongly believes that Jewish leaders need to apologize to President Trump, Jewish communities, conservatives and to America because he thinks that all these claims that have been made about a rise of anti-Semitism in America is all lies or “fake news.”

He continues to mention the many Jewish leaders who have exaggerated and helped spread these liable claims such as Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, who in Prager’s opinion has been misusing Anne Frank’s name only to bring out political hate. “The man has engages in chillul Anne Frank– a desecration of the name of Anne Frank” said Prager.

Prager believes that Jewish people who hate Donald Trump want to believe that he is the cause of any or all anti-Semitism and that this is “yet another way in which leftism has poisoned Jewish life.”



Santiago Svidler
The Ethnic Voice

Hi, I’m Santi and I like warm hugs. Aspiring Publicist in the world of LA entertainment. Student @csunorthridge. Hobbies include: Netflix n chilling by myself