Opposing sides: Zionist organization embraces travel ban while JCPA condemns it

News from the Jewish Journal

Santiago Svidler
The Ethnic Voice
1 min readMar 13, 2017


Screenshot from the Jewish Journal

Although many Jewish organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League have condemned President Donald Trump’s immigration ban, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has welcomed his order banning refugees from six Muslim majority countries.

The ZOA believes that the order “fulfills the president’s basic duty” and that he is only doing this to protect the nation from any terrorist acts because the screening process for refugees has been inadequate. The ZOA’s statement for Trump’s ban has come after many Jewish groups have been condemning the order.

The Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA) has said that they will continue to oppose the travel ban because they believe that “theres no evidence that refugees form these countries represent a special threat.”



Santiago Svidler
The Ethnic Voice

Hi, I’m Santi and I like warm hugs. Aspiring Publicist in the world of LA entertainment. Student @csunorthridge. Hobbies include: Netflix n chilling by myself