Undocumented immigrants receive answers to their concerns

News from Univision Noticias

Natalie Jimenez
1 min readApr 30, 2017
Screenshot of the story published on Univision Noticias

As the number of deportations continues to rise, Univision Noticias reporter Jorge Cancino has received various questions from undocumented immigrants concerning their current situation and asked lawyers to answer some of their concerns.

A user identified as Luna asked if signing a voluntary exit order was the correct thing to do, in which immigration attorney Jaime Barron said it all depends on the individual case. The important action would be to ask and make sure that if it is signed that individual will be allowed back into the country.

Another user identified as Juan23 asked whether his “administrative pardon” from 2016 would protect him from being deported under Trump, to which Alex Galvez, a Los Angeles based lawyer, replied “nobody is guaranteed…everyone is deportable.”

Iris asked if the DUI her husband received in 2007 would be pardoned if he were to apply for residency. Various lawyers did not provide a concrete answer, given that each case is different, but did say DUIs are serious crimes that can effect the future of undocumented immigrants and negatively impact residents who apply for citizenship.

