City Investment and Partnership Opportunities: Bristol, UK
Blue-Green Bristol
A Blue-Green Infrastructure Strategy for Bristol is currently under development by the City Council. The goal is to create a coordinated suite of strategies (each representing a different scale or type of green or blue infrastructure), which together provide a framework for:
- Understanding existing green and blue infrastructure assets, and the multifunctional benefits they provide;
- Identifying needs and opportunities for protecting and improving the blue and green infrastructure network at different scales and the benefits associated with doing so;
- Developing site-specific outputs (e.g. action plans), and the case for investment in green and blue infrastructure.
Investment/Partnership Opportunity: To inform the proposed scope, the City Council seeks to better understand the value of Bristol’s existing blue and green infrastructure assets, is considering support from 100RC Platform Partner Earth Economics. The outputs will also generate a set of investment priorities for private and public funding sectors.
Sarah Toy, Chief Resilience Officer |
Amy Farthing, Sustainability Project Manager |
Welcoming Asylum Seekers and Refugees
To make Bristol a safe place for people seeking sanctuary, the City Council has developed a Welcoming Asylum Seekers and Refugees strategy and action plan, needs assessment, and map of provision. This will ensure a coordinated community response to meet the needs of spontaneous and resettled asylum seekers and refugees arriving in the city. The City aspires to Strengthen the capacity of refugees and asylum seekers to develop needed skills and to access opportunities that will support themselves and their families to lead fulfilling lives and contribute to the social and economic wealth of the city. The City has identified next steps to be: dissemination of successes thus far (e.g. the network of welcome centres and city leadership) and collating support for innovative responses to structural inequalities (e.g. employment and housing).
Investment/Partnership Opportunity: In developing solutions for educational and economic inclusion in Bristol, and in first destination countries in the MENA region, the City Council has considered partnering with Paris, Los Angeles, Stockholm, and Hamburg, as well as NGOs and funders working in the region.
Sarah Toy, Chief Resilience Officer | Anne James, Commissioning Manager Refugees |