I’m Hungary For Freddie

The Eurovision Song Contest
2 min readMar 2, 2016
Clutch the pearls.

Who cares about the song, just look at him! Isn’t he simply divine? That jaw line, the perfect facial hair, his broad shoulders and those sexy eyes. Simply sploosh worthy.

But as I am reviewing Eurovision songs, I’ll reserve judgement until I listen to his performance and watch his body move to the song (I’m assuming he’ll sway and dance all sexy like a male stripper)

Overall Rating: 4/5 Beats of a giant drum

What does it sound like? A pop/rock anthem. His voice is amazing. It’s very rock and works alongside the songs heavy drums and low key piano beat. The perfect package to create a killer pop anthem.

Stand out moment: Watching his eyebrows move around like two caterpillars climbing a stick. Go you bushy thick eyebrows! Keep on moving to the beat!

Also that voice when he belts one out. #FreddieIsTheVoice

Fast forward to 2:13 in his performance and you’ll know what I’m talking about. Woof!

Fun fact: Freddie is known as the “shower boy” in the Hungarian Rising Star when he admitted that he only had the shower head as his audience for a long time.

Freddie if you are reading this, I’ll be your audience especially when you’re in the shower *Inset cheeky tongue out emoji with an eggplant and water droplets*

How will it go in Eurovision? I think he’ll just miss out on a top 10 finish. But he’s got my 12 points on looks alone, so who cares about the song.

What do you think of Freddie — Pioneer? When does he actually say Pioneer in the song? Would you swipe left or right if you saw Freddie on Tinder? Leave a comment and subscribe for more Eurovision updates.



The Eurovision Song Contest

Like the boy next door, just with a tonne more glitter and sass. Digital marketing consultant by day, Unicorn by night #UnicornAdventureTime