Iceland Sends a Loreen & MZW Clone To Eurovision

The Eurovision Song Contest
2 min readFeb 22, 2016
Or she ate a burrito and it turned into a chest buster from Alien.

Iceland has chosen its Eurovision champion for 2016 and it’s a country EDM pop banger that oddly sounds like Måns Zelmerlöw — Heroes. But that’s not the only thing that looked familiar. Greta’s staging, lighting and choreography also looked very similar to Loreen — Euphoria.

Anywho, I can bitch about the comparisons for days. But at least she decided to copy two really amazing acts, so good on you Greta.

So let’s get cracking and analyse the song for what it is — A flashy in your face, trumpet blaring, pop/dance song.

UPDATE: The English version has disappeared from YouTube — Lucky I can find the Icelandic version online.

Overall Rating: 4/5 Giant smoke monsters from the other side

What does it sound like? Commercial country dance pop. Also love the crazy banjo at the end of the song.

Stand out moment: Those crazy projections are pretty badass. Some of the timings might have been a bit off in this final performance, but a little more practice will make it look super amazing.

It’s a strong song with an EDM beat that is very radio friendly and not too different from what the killer DJ’s are spinning out as pop songs these days.

Fun fact: Greta has represented Iceland in Eurovision before. She played a violin and sang a duet with a handsome guy called Jónsi for the song “Never Forget” (Watch here). Sadly they finished 20th that year, but it was a tough year with Loreen killing the competition with Swedish efficiency and brilliance.

How will it go in Eurovision? It’s a great song so it should do well, but I’m cautious to the fact that people will just see a Loreen and MZW copy cat.

What do you think of Greta Salóme — Hear Them Calling? Does she have the song that will win Eurovision? Leave a comment and let’s go and copy something!



The Eurovision Song Contest

Like the boy next door, just with a tonne more glitter and sass. Digital marketing consultant by day, Unicorn by night #UnicornAdventureTime