Join the Eve Fleet

The Eve Fleet
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2013

This is an experiment to use a new ‘blogging’ technology (Medium) to allow the community of Eve Online bloggers and players a ‘medium’ to come together and write about Eve.

You can find out more about Medium here.


Good question. I enjoy playing with new things and facilitating more interesting interactions between Eve Online writers. This platform has allowed me to form a ‘collection’ which I decided to call the Eve Fleet, and allow any visitor the opportunity to write about Eve Online. They can write about their playing experiences, their observations, or their thoughts about how they’d like the game to develop. Anything really.

One of the nice elements is that anyone can ‘follow’ the collection and keep up to date with what the authors are writing, and even participate themselves if they want to.

And what I like most of all about is it that the commenting system allows readers to comment on paragraphs by adding ‘notes’, instead of leaving comments below the post. Popular paragraphs will get numbers of people leaving notes about it, and this is usually more relevant than trying to address a particular paragraph in a comment below the post.

It’s a community platform, and I do love working with new ways on promoting and integrating the community of Eve Online writers. Also, the more popular posts will be visible to the wider community, so you’ll also be promoting the game by virtue of your popular posts.

It’s also integrated into your current Twitter accounts, so you can create profiles or add comments simply by logging into your Eve Online-based Twitter account via this platform, and have your comments associated with your Eve persona.

I’d love you guys to leave me some feedback, or even just start using the community. Start writing, start commenting. Get involved.

You don’t need to use this to replace what you’re currently doing if you already have a well established blog or website, but what you do here can be linked back to your main site, and this can be another form of promotion for your main activities. You can even use it simply to promote your main site. It can be whatever you want it to be.

I’d like to see this Eve community grow into something that allows people to just write and read, without having to go through the process of setting up blogs (or having someone else set it up for them), and without having to manage blogs and plugins and themes and widgets…

Just write. And read. And enjoy.



The Eve Fleet

Currently travelling around New Eden (in the online game, Eve Online) documenting every single system and the experiences I have along the way.