A client reached out to us create something awesome as an HR Engagement tool and here is what we did.

Adnan Morbiwala
The Event Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2023
Image Source | Google Images

An agency we work as preferred partners for reached out to us for a client requirement they had.

The problem statement by the client was as follows:

We have 3,00,000 employees, 70% of which work out of client offices and only 30% are based across our campuses.

The level of engagement that the client was seeing was miniscule with their HR campaigns only getting a CTR of about 2% or so, even lesser sometimes.

We would like our new purpose statement to be engaged with by a larger share of our employees when we launch it.

The agency that we are partnered with recommended to them something similar to the Beeple NFT (Shown above) which essentially was a collage, but it sold for 69 Million USD.

That is when they reached out to us, and here is what we came up with.

  • We wanted to create a hook that would actually entice the employee to come onto the page that we were building. That hook was their photo being in one of the compartments and if they found it they would be eligible for something measurable as a reward.
  • They would land on a page that only had the purpose statement.
  • From there they would need to pan / zoom in order to find out where their image was and also be able to see who else their colleagues were!
  • This was to increase the dwell time on the page which in turn would ensure they spend as much time as possible reading and re-reading the purpose statement over and over.
  • Once they found their image, the employee would have had the opportunity to add a template over it and share it across their social media networks.

Here is the effort that would go into it to give you a sense of this undertaking.

  • 3 lakh individual compartments would have to be created on the page.
  • We eventually decided that the purpose statement itself would be used and compartmentalized.
  • That meant that we would be building 4500 individual compartments for each letter.
  • Each of these compartments would carry an employee image which would be clickable.
  • Once it was clicked upon, an information card would display the employees details and provide options to templatize the image.

Here are some wireframes of some options when we were in the middle of coming up with the final plan.

Image Source — TTM

Image Source — TTM

Image Source — TTM

Image Source — TTM

Unfortunately, due to some compliance concerns and a lengthy process involved to be able to plug the code in with the clients live database this project was scrapped at the POC stage.

But we built out the POC none the less, and it was amazing. I think I can safely say, this project was rewarding not only because it is something that was coming together, but it was something that had unlimited potential.

Future plans included things like

  • An AI/ML based algorithm which would treat the employees photos, which would have employees uploading 20–25 images and then being able to transform them into templatized characters we would create for the campaign.
  • Another was to create an environment using De-centraland and actually have the employees interact with one another in the metaverse, with this page being the only way they would be able to enter.
  • This online page would be replicated in physicality and placed at the clients central HQ.
  • And, it would pretty much become a catalyst toward getting employee engagement rates to go higher.

Here is hoping these things can come to fruition some time!

Of course this is not a conventional event, but it is an experience nonetheless and we were super excited to be a part of this project along with our partners.

I guess as Richard Branson said,” When someone offers you an opportunity, take it and figure out how to do it along the way”

I can safely say, after being heavily involved, this was an experience I learned so much from and cannot wait to be involved with many more in the future.

In order to maintain privacy of our clients I obviously cant give out more details or the link to the POC, but if you are an HR professional who this has sparked an interest for, reach out to me, I have some material I can help you experience this with.

About Ting Tong MarketingPegasus Events Pvt Ltd

Ting Tong Marketing — Pegasus Events offer event management services.

We are a boutique agency backed by 14 years of experience, and have delivered more than 1500 + events for companies across different industries since 2005.This foundationally strong approach helps us accelerate growth and visibility for our clients through awesome events.



Adnan Morbiwala
The Event Blog

The guy who talks about random stuff. I'm a passionate Marketer who is also the events guy.